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If I wasn't her son, I hope I should still be the last person in the world to try to shake her faith or any one's, for that matter. I have merely turned my own back because I had to." The old man put down his coffee-cup and the look in his eyes was half-appealing. "What was it turned you, son? nothing I've ever said or done, I hope?" Tom shook his big blond head slowly.

Her fingers touched my arm. "Wait! Please wait!" she was urging. There was a half-imperious, half-appealing note in her hushed voice. I stared. "I'm afraid," I said blankly, "that I don't quite " "Some one may suspect. Some one may come," urged this most astonishing young woman. "Don't you see that that I'm trusting you to help me? Won't you stay?"

And now, do you think we ought to seem even seem to slight her kindness? Hugh was turning about, chafing impotently. 'Then you mean to go on here? he asked, with half-appealing, half-resentful eyes. Sibyl made a gesture of entreaty. 'What other life is there for me? What would you have me do?

As she read the half-resentful, half-appealing demand in them, a slow smile dawned in her own. Had the gathering under the tree been a party of "mere people," it would have gasped. Had it been a "freak party," it would have been loud-voiced in its expressions of surprise. Being a "best party," it gave no outward sign; but a sense of blank astonishment, purely mental, was in the air.

She certainly was not herself. Several times he caught a half-appealing look in her eyes, as though she had something weighing on her mind. Yet she gave him no chance to ask her confidence.

The boy, with arms convulsively clasping his body, was imprinting kisses on Bob's waistcoat in default of reaching his face. At last Falloner managed gently but firmly to free himself, and turned a half-appealing, half-embarrassed look upon the young lady, whose own face, however, suddenly flushed pink.

My own attention I think would not soon have flagged, but by-and-by, she herself seemed to need some change of subject; she hastened to wind up her narrative briefly. Yet why she terminated with so concise an abridgment did not immediately appear; silence followed a restless silence, not without symptoms of abstraction. Then, turning to me, in a diffident, half-appealing voice "Lucy "

I hesitated to repress this outbreak as it deserved, till Eunané's bitter mortification was evident in her brightening colour and the doubtful, half-appealing glance of tearful eyes. Then a rebuke, such as might have been appropriately addressed yesterday to these rude school-girls by their governess, at once silenced them.

What a, marvellous, half-reproachful, half-appealing smile lingered on the finely-curved set lips! ... How wonderful, how beautiful, how beloved beyond all words was this fair dead god of poesy on whom he gazed with such a passion of yearning!

Superficially, training is everything. The heaven-born genius comes once in a century of decades to remind us, as it were, that there is such a thing as creation; but beyond the heaven-born genius, training, on a day of superficialities, must win. This moment, when Sally stood but a few paces within Traill's room, and looked half-appealing, half-guardedly at Mrs.