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"I heard his name was Clanton." "Suits me fine," grinned the foreman, showing two rows of broken, stained teeth. "Hope the Lazy S M boys gunned him proper." Dad Wrayburn broke in softly. "Chicto, compadre!" "The other man with Clanton must be Billie Prince." "Yes." "I reckon the Lazy S M boys are lookin' for 'em." "You guessed right first crack out of the box." "Where are our boys holed up?"

He gunned away from the curb, tossed it into second, and twisted around the corner, straight toward the siren that was nearest. At the last minute, he jerked to the side of the street, to let the police car shoot by. "Never run from a tiger run toward it. It sometimes works, and it's no worse." The car was a big one, and the motor purred smoothly. He glanced down at the dash, and frowned.

The plane traveled the length of the cove's shoreline and rounded the southern tip. They passed over a section where the woods came right down to the water. Birches leaned far over. Rick caught a glimpse of what might have been the rowboat, then the plane swung and he lost it. "Circle," he said quickly. "I think I saw something!" Scotty gunned the Sky Wagon and threw it into a tight turn.

Hadn't she warned folks time and again to send all her stuff by express instead of by parcels post, which would sure get her gunned some day by the stage driver who got nothing extra for hauling such matter? She had so!

He was continually reaching out for more territory, and in so doing he came in hostile contact with other railway men, also gunning for the same game. Occasionally, therefore, they gunned for each other. When York was hit he took his medicine; when he hit the other fellow he chose as vital a spot as he could.

"They're going to follow us," he said. "If they hadn't, I would have turned back and gunned our way on board that lopsided disgrace of theirs." "Follow us? Where?" He grunted. "A place called Luscious. We'll be there in under a week. It'll take them about three. But they're starting immediately." Trigger blinked. "Looks like the plasmoids have made it to the head of the problem list!"

The main strength of the navy, however, lies, and can only lie, in the great battleships, the heavily armored, heavily gunned vessels which decide the mastery of the seas. Heavy-armed cruisers also play a most useful part, and unarmed cruisers, if swift enough, are very useful as scouts.

"Say, for gosh sake! I been shot at twice already this morning. What's the idea? I never was gunned so much in my life, and I live in Arizona, that's supposed to be bad. What's the matter with this darned place?" Cliff tucked the gun out of sight under his blanket, yawned, and lay down again. "You caught me asleep, old man.

The pilot gyros, which had to be perfect, had been especially gunned at by saboteurs. An attack with possibly stolen proximity-fused rockets. The plane was booby-trapped, and somebody at an airfield had had a chance to spring the trap. So it was wreckage. Crashed and burned on landing. The Chief growled. Haney pressed his lips together. The eyes of Mike were burning.

With courage and a tie-breaking vote by the Vice President the Senate faced down the gun lobby, stood up for the American people, and passed this legislation. But the House failed to follow suit. We've all seen what happens when guns fall into the wrong hands. Daniel Mauser was only 15 years old when he was gunned down at Columbine. He was an amazing kid, a straight-A student, a good skier.