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"Ha, ha, ha!" laughed Tippy Toes, "How long did he have to wear those mittens?" Grandpa Grumbles answered, "Really, now, I cannot say, But I guess it was a year and a day." Then Tippy Toes laughed so hard that he doubled right up in a little ball and rolled over and over.

He, who was born in the workhouse, and bred up as a parish boy, has now, by mere manual labour, risen to the rank of a land-owner, pays rates and taxes, grumbles at the times, and is called Master Welles, the title next to Mister that by which Shakspeare was called; what would man have more? His wife, besides being the best laundress in the county, is a comely woman still.

Bunny and Susan said, "Sit down by the fire, Grandpa, and warm your paws." Grandpa Grumbles sat down. Snubby Nose cried, "Grandpa Grumbles, tell us a story, please tell us a story." Bunny Cotton-Tail said, in a whisper, "Please don't mention noses." Susan Cotton-Tail said, "Please don't mention snowdrifts."

These expenses are inevitable to a man like me, who knows not how to provide anything for himself, and cannot support the sight of a lackey who grumbles and serves him with a sour look. With Madam Dupin, even where I was one of the family, and in whose house I rendered many services to the servants, I never received theirs but for my money.

And few things are harder to bear than to have to live with a perpetual grumbler, to listen to constant complaints, especially, too, if the grumbler will not let any one help her to do the work she grumbles so much about. A grumbler spoils every one's pleasure, and gets none herself; and the worst of it is, it is a disease that grows on one terribly.

Then she added with a smile, "Not that I would like it only for your sakes, but for my own as well. It would be nice to have a sister companion to share my lessons and duties with me, and bear with my grumbles when I am ill."

The cloud has settled again upon Doretta's forehead, the same cloud that darkened it in the morning. Not a word is said of La Fontaine's fable. Instead, Signor Odoardo grumbles irritably: "This blessed room is as cold as ever." "Why shouldn't it be," Doretta retorts with a touch of asperity, "when you open the window every few minutes?"

With respect to the military situation, the soldiers of all sorts are kept well together, and appear to be under the command of their officers. The National Guard, although it still grumbles a little, does its duty on the ramparts. The soldiers of the line are kept outside the town.

The others followed with mutterings and grumbles, and the women being now safe, began barricading the entrance of their house against other marauders. They were green-white with fear. They feared these Indian troops....

"In some way, I don't know how," as Jocelyn grumbles about just such an unnoted change, by usage, by omission, by downright forgetfulness, here by a little struggle, there by a little present to a needy abbot, the town won freedom. But progress was not always unconscious, and one incident in the history of Bury St.