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Once, when advising Taylor to trust rather to literature than to Government employment, he remarked, 'You may write off the first joints of your fingers for them, and then you may write off the second joints, and all that they will say of you is, "What a remarkably short-fingered man!" But he had far too much self-respect to grumble at the inevitable results of the position.

Grumble: "Yes, that's right, stop up your ears . . ." And he saw himself walking toward Milford in the moonlight, under the falling leaves. "Who, now," he thought, "will drive me out of doors because my room is in disorder, or burn, when I am away, the scraps of paper on which I have scribbled my memoranda?" He bowed his head. "Rest quietly, Mrs. Grumble," he said. "Your troubles are over.

She did not grumble at her twelve hours' day in the fields, which were in addition to the work of her little house, but she wished that she could have half an hour in which to read history. Her belief was that the war would be terminated by the Zeppelins. "When our humane King really gives the word, the English ships and towns will all be destroyed by our Zeppelins.

Lord Hartledon had not left it off, and Maude had loved him too well to grumble at the delay. She had grown tolerant in regard to the intimacy with Mr. Carr.

The airy stations are lined by girls in light summer dresses, attended by their swains. The groan of the wheels underfoot causes a curious tickling in the soles of the feet as one stands on the steel platform. This groan rises to a shrill scream as the train gathers speed between stations, gradually diminishing to a reluctant grumble as the cars come to a stop.

Will nothing content you? 'Why, I grumble very little, I think, considering how well off I am, rejoined he, with a laugh. 'Grumble! If you had a particle of gratitude, you'd build a temple to Fortune you're pagan enough for it, Mark. 'Fortune has nothing to do with it, says Mark, laughing again. 'Well, certainly, neither had you. 'It was all the Devil. 'It was the Persian Magician.

"Why what an ungrateful dog you are!" returned Sir Wynston, gaily, turning his back upon the fire, and glancing round the spacious and handsome, though somewhat faded apartment. "I was on the point of congratulating you on the possession of the finest park and noblest demesne in Cheshire, when you begin to grumble.

When the time came to make the division, and it was found upon investigation that the value of the estate to be divided was only about a million, the heirs were heard to grumble at the amount. They reprimanded the worthy bookkeeper, Mr. Richmond, and all the other able assistants, as if they had embezzled some of the money. These good, faithful men, instead of receiving what Mr.

Ah!" he added with a sigh, "it's a rich man I'd have been this day if that ship had only kep' afloat a few hours longer. Well, well, I needn't grumble, when me own comrades, that thought it so safe in the Blankow Bank, are about as badly off as me. When was it they began to suspec' the bank was shaky?" "Oh, long ago," said Mrs Bancroft, "soon after the disappearance of Mr Luke, the cashier "

His Majesty knows and is proud of it, for it shows their love of his countenance; and he says, "bis dat qui cito dat," then how can I grumble at giving twice, when I give so slowly? 'Nay, I will take it but once, I said; 'if His Majesty loves to be robbed, he need not lack of his desire, while the Spanks are sixteen in family.