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Updated: November 9, 2024

"Now extend your index fingers and close your eyes," Atmananda instructed. I squinted to see if anyone else was peeking. From what I could tell, the twenty or so people obeyed him. "Now say 'me' out loud and touch your chest." My "me" was muffled by the group's "me".

After taking Briansk they had forced the crossing of the Nurzets, a tributary of the Bug, and the only natural barrier in front of Brest-Litovsk from that direction. They were rapidly approaching the Brest-Litovsk-Bialystok railway. The central group's front Lukoff-Siedlets-Sokoloff had been pushed forward to Drohichin on the Bug, only about forty-five miles to the northeast of the fortress.

Very elaborate systems have been designed for controlling the flow of the work through the plant and the division of the various activities between men and departments, but the real effective coordination must grow out of the actual working conditions of the workers. This natural evolution of the group's effectiveness as a single organization is one of greatest importance.

After standing on three hours in the right direction, the look-outs from the cross-trees declared no land was visible ahead. For one moment the dreadful apprehension of the group's having sunk under another convulsion of nature crossed Mark's mind, but he entertained that notion for a minute only. Then came the cry of "sail ho!" to cheer everybody, and to give them something else to think of.

Some breakfasters were quick to make the connection between the timespan and the previous night's First Sharing, no doubt aided by the little group's satisfied expressions. "Female or male?" someone called. "Female!" Hovan called back, too proud for Steve to be dismayed by the interruption.

"In a way," Lyad said, "Pilli brings us to that matter of business I mentioned this afternoon." The group's eyes shifted over to her. She smiled. "We have good scientists on Tranest," she said, "as Pilli, I think, demonstrates." She nodded at Balmordan. "There are good scientists in the Devagas Union.

If not, we send in someone else and that's a hell of a lot harder, I'll tell you right now." *Thinking of one's own life objectively is difficult,* Corina agreed. *I believe I would find it difficult to think of my life as having more value than another person's.* *Or a group's,* Medart said, speech now echoing telepathy. *You learn eventually, but it is hard, especially at first.

From the very outset of this study group's deliberations, we agreed that the most useful contribution we could make would be to attempt to reach beyond what we saw as the current and commendable efforts, largely but not entirely within the Department of Defense, to define concepts for strategy, doctrine, operations, and force structure to deal with a highly uncertain future.

If so, phone home", 9/5/92; The Ramapo News, "College Authorities Alerted of Cult Leader", 10/15/92; The Hartford Courant, "Guru mixes money, mystique: Ex-followers say students exploited", and "Traveling along the path toward enlightment", 10/18/92; The Wesleyan Argus, "Cult Recruits Students Via Meditation Group", 10/30/92, and "Arguses Stolen", 11/3/92, and "Cult Faces Obstacles Elsewhere; None at Wes", 11/6/92, and "Self-Discovery Club Loses Group Status", 12/4/92, and "Wes Investigates Meditation Group's Activities", 12/4/92; The Trinity Tripod, "Alleged Cult Sponsors Workshops On Campus", 11/3/92, and "Meditation Workshops Exposed", 11/10/92; Peninsula Times Tribune, "Manipulative... or merely meditative?

The pressure exerted by the environment upon the group, and making for a readjustment of the group's scheme of life, impinges upon the members of the group in the form of pecuniary exigencies; and it is owing to this fact that external forces are in great part translated into the form of pecuniary or economic exigencies it is owing to this fact that we can say that the forces which count toward a readjustment of institutions in any modern industrial community are chiefly economic forces; or more specifically, these forces take the form of pecuniary pressure.

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