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Some one always has you by the throat, unless you have some one else in your grip. I wonder if that's the attitude the Almighty intended His respectable creatures to take toward one another! I wonder if He meant our civilization, the battle we fight in, the game we trick in! I wonder if He considers it final, and if the kingdom of heaven on earth, which we pray for "

The grip the slaveholders had fastened on the helm of the State had been tightening for nearly half a century, till the government of the nation had become literally theirs, and the idea of their relinquishing it was one which the North did not contemplate, and they would not tolerate.

"Robbers?" queried Billie, as he set the little girl on the ground and extended his hand to the man. "What robbers?" "They call themselves soldiers," and the man seized Billie's hand and gave it a mighty grip, which made even Broncho Billie wince, "but what do we care for them? With four Americans we can defy a hundred of them."

Then the clerk was summoned, and solved the first difficulty by revealing a back-stairs exit by way of the basement. An attendant was sent to Curtis's room, to pack a grip with some clothes and linen, and, by adroit maneuvering, the whole party got away from the hotel. Steingall insisted on interviewing Lady Hermione that night.

The Professor grabbed the wild guide by the collar, giving him a vigorous shake. When he released his grip, Juan sank to the ground in a heap, moaning weakly. "What's that you say? Stacy prescribed " "I I let him smell of the bottle," explained Stacy guiltily. "What bottle?" Stacy slowly picked up the offending bottle and handed it to the Professor. "Ammonia! Boy, you might have put his eyes out!

If, on the other hand, aught should befall us ahead, a night-hawk will cry once. Hide and wait. Wait one day, two, three. There is always hope. So. We go now." Thus they separated, that small band, as hopeless together as apart in case of discovery, and at last Dupre followed alone, his heart heavy within him and a grip in his throat of tears.

An instant after, there was a grip on his collar. "Now I got ye, ye vill'in! What ye doin' on here?" "What you doin' on, you rasc'l, inagen'l'm'n'shouse thistim'o'night?" "Arnswer me, you scoundrel, breakin' into a peaceful dwellin'!" "Tha'swhatIwan'to know. How'd youcom'ere? What'syerbusiness? Le'gomycollar. I'lsen'forp'lice. Le'go!"

"By gad, I'll make ye open up!" cried the cross-eyed knave, losing his temper. He was about to strike Hugh again, when the other man, still holding the lad in a steel-trap grip, pushed him aside with one foot. "Hold off, Harry," he commanded gruffly. "I know where his camp is. He's one of Lem Vinton's crew. That's the Arrow over yonder, but he ain't going back to it yet awhile."

Why didn't you ring the door-bell? I say, youngster, come forward and give us a grip of your hand. Halloo! you've got your brother with you!" "Not my brother, but my cousin, Howard Lawrence." The two boys shook hands with the three, and the grip that they received from the horny palms made them wince with pain. "But where'd you come from?

Only she realized that she and he were alike helpless both struggling in the grip of some force outside of themselves, inexorable, ineluctable. Robert felt her arms relaxing, felt the dead weight of her form against him. He raised her to her feet, he half carried her to the door, and on to the stairs. She was nearly fainting, but her will held her at bay.