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"Well, you've got to go," said Joel, obstinately, "so get in." "I don't want to go to Boxford," repeated Peletiah, not stirring. Joel cracked the whip angrily, and glared down at him. "P'r'aps he wants to go somewhere else," said little David, leaning forward and clutching the reins carefully, "and that'll be just as good." "Do you?" asked Joel, crossly. "Want to go anywheres else, Peletiah?"

Marchmont, Doctor," said the former, introducing me; and the solicitor, having thanked me for the trouble I had taken in attending at the inquest, led us to a bench, at the farther end of which was seated a gentleman whom I recognized as Mr. Hurst. Mr. Bellingham recognized him at the same moment and glared at him wrathfully.

Archie stood mute with delight at it all, but before five minutes had passed he had shot the chutes, and had ridden over a steeplechase which took him through dark caverns, where dragons glared at him and where electrical sparks were constantly flying through the air. It was all so new, so different from anything he had seen before, that he was simply lost in admiration.

Her face brightened as Toomey turned the corner and promptly lengthened when she saw that he was empty-handed and walking with the exaggerated swagger which she was coming to recognize as a sign of failure. A glimpse of his face as he came in, banged the door, and flung off his hat and coat made her hesitate to speak. "Well?" he glared at her. "Why don't you say something?"

With a shrug of the shoulders, the young man accepted the inevitable and obeyed. Brightman leaned out of the window, gave a direction to the driver, and the taxicab was driven slowly in through the assembling crowd. Richard leaned back in his corner and glared at his two companions. "Say, this is nice behaviour to an officer!" he exclaimed truculently. "I am on my way to catch the leave train.

You shall have an escort as far as the nearest garrison. You shall have fifty men to take you back by dawn to-morrow." At that Rustum Khan turned several shades darker and glared truculently. "Who art thou, Armenian, to frame a test for thy betters?" he demanded, throwing a very military chest. And Will promptly bridled at the Rajput's attitude.

Gaylord, his voice trembling on the edge of another spasm. "You refuse business?" "I refuse that kind of business, Mr. Gaylord," Austen answered quietly, though there was a certain note in his voice that young Tom knew well, and which actually averted the imminent explosion from Mr. Gaylord, whose eyes glared and watered.

Grinnell would be back looking for them, stepped across the polished floor to the gray men in the corner, shook the nearest one by the sleeve, and demanded, "Are you Swift or Smart, or; both I mean neither?" "Now, Mr. Campbell," the man was just saying, but at this interruption he broke off abruptly, glared at the small intruder and asked in quick, sharp tones, "What do you want?"

"Oh, I see!" he said, with an insulting, insinuating inflection. "Now I understand the early dinner." Morris sprang up and, walking over to the sneering husband, glared down at him with a look of ferocity that sat singularly upon his round, fresh face. "Now you shut up! If you open your mouth to me again I'll lick you till your hide won't hold pumpkins!"

And waitin' for what don't come is apt to get on your nerves. "Eh?" I throws over my shoulder at her. Her straight eyebrows kind of humps in the middle that's all. "Did you say anything?" I goes on. "No," says she. If she'd smiled sort of faint, or even glared stern at us, it wouldn't have been so bad.