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"Come, girlies," he said, trying to speak cheerily, "let's get out of here. We've seen enough, I guess!" Nothing loth, they quickly followed him up the steps while the trembling men and the guide gathered carefully around the now harmless reptile. Amid the consternation of the ladies above, who had widely scattered in their terror, the three were about departing unnoticed, when Mrs.

Miss Ada opened the note and read: "DEAR ADA: "Come over to the hall to-morrow night, you and your brother, and bring the youngsters. We are going to celebrate my birthday by dressing up in any old thing we can find around the house. Come in any character you choose, from the Queen of Sheba to a beggar maid, only don't fail to come and bring the girlies. "Lovingly, "KITTY."

"Girlies, how did you do it?" "Well," confessed Peace, meditatively chewing her finger in her endeavor to appear modest in the midst of such unstinted praise, "at first we didn't know what to do. The other girls kept talking about 'propriate colors for their complexions. Faith is all blunette and she looks best in pink.

But it seemed a bore to all of them to go in the middle of the night to a family apartment, to enter on tiptoes up the stairs and to talk in whispers all the time. "Tell you what, brethren ... Let's better ride to the girlies, that will be nearer the mark," said peremptorily Lichonin, an old student, a tall, stooping, morose and bearded fellow.

Lee, bravely, putting an arm about each child. "You girlies must stay with me and help me." From Middletown Mr. Lee telephoned that they had found a clue. A child answering Alice's description had stopped at a small candy store and had purchased a selection of lolly-pops. She had paid for them in pennies. Someone in the store had seen her climb upon a trolley car bound for the city. Mr.

"Then I'm afraid this is the last payment. You see, girlies, everything we do no matter what it is is fraught with consequences. If I were to go over to yonder lake and throw in a pebble what would we see? Little ripples circling wider and wider further and further. That's like life our everyday actions are so many pebbles we have to accept the ripples.

"It serves me right," she said smiling into the woe-begone little faces so near to hers; "I've always heard they are the most indigestible things going now don't you eat any more, girlies, or you'll have a spasm like mine.

But though they succeeded fairly well, after the third rubber, Patty declared she could not play any longer, and she was going to her room for a nap. "Come on," said Marie, jumping up, "I'll go with you." "Yes, do, girlies," said Cameron, kindly. "A little nap will do you good. Come down for tea, won't you?"

They were off, past the surging crowds who were now thronging the entire street, past The Bow, and over the bridge on their way to The Gore. "Run on ahead, girlies," said Aileen to the twins who were with her for their annual checkerberry picnic, "I'll be down in a few minutes."

Maynard, smiling; "fly upstairs, girlies, and get into some pretty dresses, and then fly down again, for father's coming home early." So Midge and Kitty flew, and King scampered to his room also, and Mrs. Maynard gave the baby over to Nurse Nannie for a clean frock, while she herself telephoned for the ice cream.