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The French, so far as Captain Barker knew, had no such fleet in Indian waters, nor had the Dutch or Portuguese. If they were indeed British men-o'-war he would be caught between two fires, for there was not a doubt that they would support the Company's vessels. "We ought to be within twenty miles of the coast, Mr. Toley," said Captain Barker. "Ay, sir, and somewhere in the latitude of Gheria."

I should think they'll be ready enough to volunteer, for they won't care to return to Gheria and face Angria's rage. At the same time we can't take more than three or four, because in the daylight they can now see how few we are, and they might take a fancy to recapture the grab. What do you think of that plan?" The Gujarati sullenly assented. He did not understand mercy to an enemy.

Forth had brought orders for the surrender of the fort. He kept his own counsel. After his experience at Gheria he was resolved not to be made a prisoner again; but he would not be content with merely saving his own skin. Mr. Merriman's goods were valuable; it touched Desmond's self esteem to think he should be bested by a rascally Armenian.

Desmond, who had been squatting in the oriental manner an accomplishment he had learned with some pains at Gheria rose to leave. The khansaman's florid cheeks again put on a sickly hue, and when the seeming lascar had gone a few paces he called him back. "Ahi, excellent khalasi. I think I remember I am almost sure I can discover where the two bibis are concealed."

He escaped from Gheria; you've heard that Colonel Clive captured the place?" "Yes; we had despatches from Admiral Watson some days ago. I had heard of Mr. Burke's adventures "Your servant, sir; I am delighted to meet you "Well, Merriman, three o'clock; I will not detain you now; you'll want to get home." Mr.

The petalas, being cargo boats, were not provided with any accommodation or conveniences for passengers; and Desmond's thoughts as he lay panting on his mat, haggard from want of sleep, faint from want of food for though there was rice on board, and the men ate freely, he had no appetite for that reverted to the worst period of his imprisonment in Gheria, and he recalled the sufferings he had endured there.

"Odds bobs, and now I come to think of it, those there vessels may be sailing to attack Gheria, seeing as how, as these niggers told us, they've bust up Suwarndrug." "Guess I'll get to the foretop myself and take a look, sir," said Mr. Toley. He mounted, carrying the only perspective glass the vessel possessed. The captain watched him anxiously as he took a long look.

During the months Desmond had spent in Gheria he had made himself familiar, as far as his opportunities allowed, with the construction of the harbor and the manner of mooring the vessels there.

He knew not what reefs there might be lying in wait for his untaught keel. Besides, he might be sighted from one or other of the coast strongholds still remaining in Angria's hands, and it was not impossible that swift messengers had already been sent along the shore from Gheria, prescribing a keen lookout and the chase of any solitary grab making northward.

But it was not for nothing that Desmond had fought a dozen battles for the possession of Clive's desk at school, and a dozen more for the honor of the school against the town; that his muscles had been developed by months of hard work at sea and harder work in the dockyard at Gheria.