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Are you watching me because you fear there might be another Lawson?" "There might be." "Nonsense! There isn't another man in the section would dare what Lawson dared!" "Gentlemen eh?" he said, tauntingly. "Well, I've nosed around quite considerable, an' I don't remember to have ever run into a place where there was fewer men than in this neck of the woods." "There are plenty of gentlemen.

As Madame de Camps finished reading the letter, the sound of a carriage entering the courtyard was heard. "There are the gentlemen," said the countess. "Now, had I better show this letter to my husband or not?" "You can't avoid doing so," replied Madame de Camps. "In the first place, Nais will chatter about it.

These gentlemen here, unanimously claim that that variety of duck is only a repetition of the curve-beaked teal, but for my own part," and the gesture he made was worth seeing. It expressed at once the modesty and pride of a man of science; the pride full of obstinacy, and the modesty well tempered with assurance. "I don't think it is," he added.

We generally named them out of the Directory. On this occasion, one of the gentlemen who managed the Hospital happened to be looking over the Register. 'Here's a name to let, he said. 'Give it to the new foundling who has been received to-day. The name was given, and the child was christened. You, sir, were that child." The wine-merchant's head dropped on his breast.

But I came at last to find that the word lady signified a female or a decently dressed man. Any arrangement for classes is in America impossible; the seats intended for gentlemen must, as a matter of course, be open to all men; but by giving up to the rougher sex half the amount of accommodation nominally devoted to ladies, the desirable division is to a certain extent made.

"Prisoner, have you any question to ask the witness?" said Muller. "I have no question to ask; I deny your jurisdiction," said the old man with spirit. "The prisoner declines to question the witness, and again pleads to the jurisdiction, a plea which I have overruled. Gentlemen, do you desire to hear any further evidence?" "No, no."

Lewis, the very man who had admitted that he had been received with kindness and hospitality wherever he had been in France, arose, and said, "Now, gentlemen, I have another toast to propose to you, which I hope will be drank with the same enthusiasm as the last; so "Here's a curse for France and the French."

The sight of them sufficed mine host, for he went out as fast as his legs would go, giving the bell a sharp pull as he passed the door; and presently I heard him complimenting two gentlemen into the house. The voice of one I knew, being no other than Captain Clapsaddle's; and him I had not seen for the past six months. I was just risen to my feet when they came in at the door beside me.

The work was easy, the pay good, and she never had a harsh word; but they just seemed unconscious of her existence. She said the gentlemen of the house, father and son, would come in and stand before her to have her take their umbrellas or help them off with their coats, and sometimes without speaking to her or even looking at her.

These interests, however, although among the best enjoyments of existence, are of a nature entirely personal, forgive me, if for a moment I have glanced at them. But, gentlemen, if I have always valued the bequest of Mr.