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I don't care to see any of your blamed posturings, don't flatter yourself. Hold up you grimacing, great grandson of a lousy she-ape, can't you, and walk straight. Take him all round Sir Richard Calmady's the best boss I ever sailed with one of the sternest, but the civilest too. Shove 'em along, ganger, will you. Shove 'em along, I say.

She had moved to O'Day's side and had slipped her hand in his. "Yes, of course, it was," roared Ganger. "Why, old Sam Dogger was so excited when he went to bed, he didn't sleep a wink all night. He's thought of nothing else but parties ever since. He's getting up one for you. Told me so this morning." The child's eyes dilated. "What sort of a party?"

She ran at once and fetched them. He had left them in care of the station-master at M , whence they had been missing since the day of the accident. It was suspected that they had been stolen, in the confusion that day prevailing at the little station, by some ganger on the relief-train.

Mike came back one day from the settlement where he had been sent for a few stores and powder and shot with the information that a party of lumberers had commenced operations some miles up a river which ran into the great lake, and that the "boss" had sent a ganger to hire hands, more of whom were wanted. "A few dollars of ready cash would be very acceptable," observed Uncle Mark.

The stringhalt will gae aff when it's gaen a mile; it's a weel-ken'd ganger; they call it Souple Tam." "On my soul, sir," said I, "you will never rest till my supple-jack and your shoulders become acquainted, If you do not go instantly and procure the other brute, you shall pay the penalty of your ingenuity."

That which did please him please him immensely was the outcome of a visit made some days after the party by old Nat Ganger. "Regular Aladdin lamp," Nat shouted, slamming Kling's door behind him. "One rub, bang goes the rubbish, and up comes an Oriental palace. Another rub and little devils swarm over the walls and ceilings and begin hanging up stuffs and lamps.

Nor must it be forgotten that the Normans, who conquered England just five and seventy years after the landing of Olaf, were themselves the sons of the vikings. Rolf the Ganger was a famous warrior in the service of King Harald Fairhair. Exiled by Harald from Norway, he made a settlement in northern France, whither many of his countrymen followed him.

"And your name?" "O'Day." "Irish, of course well, all the same, come down any morning this week. My name is Ganger; I'm on the fourth floor been there twenty-two years. You'll have to walk up we all do. Yes, I'll expect you." Kling, whom Felix consulted, began at once to demur. He knew all about the building on 10th Street.

"`Now, then, says Old Brownsmith's brother, `go down again, my boy. With this stout rope round we can take care of you, but the boy shook his head, he'd been too much scared last time. "`Who'll go? says the ganger. `A sovereign for the man who goes down and fetches them up. "The chaps talked together, but no one moved. "`It'll cave in, says one of 'em.

"Do you, sweetheart? Well, then, maybe I might better look again. What else have you in the way of Costumes, Mr. Ganger?" Dogger stepped up. "He hasn't got a single thing worth a cent; he buys these pieces down in Elizabeth Street, out of push-carts, and Jane Hoggson's mother sews them together.