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Now my aunt had heard these tidings, and she had shaken her head in silence and folded her hands, as it were in prayer, fixing her eyes on the ground. Cousin Gotz and Herdegen fair Gertrude and my Ann; what made them so unlike that my aunt should bring herself to mete their bonds of love with so various a measure?

"Can one of you gents tell me," he asked, "where such a lady as Miss Phar" he consulted a folded paper that he held in his hand "Pharleena Pike lives about here?" He was an elderly man with a swollen nose, striated with purple veins. Under his arm he carried a bundle done up in meat-paper. There was a queer glint of excitement in the eyes of the Cap'n. But he did not speak.

'Not the slightest, I'll assure you, sir. said he, coolly; 'the case is a very clear one, and I think my friend has pretty well made up his mind upon it. May I request your answer? he continued, turning to O'Connor; 'time is precious, you know. O'Connor expressed his willingness to comply with the suggestion, and in a few minutes had folded and directed the following rejoinder: 'Mr.

He confusedly described his singular interview of the previous evening with Mrs. Lecount, and, taking the folded paper from his pocket, placed it in the captain's hand. A suspicion of the truth dawned on Captain Wragge's mind the moment he saw the mysterious note. He withdrew to the window before he opened it. The first lines that attracted his attention were these: "Oblige me, Mr.

But every word of the end comes out of the Dedication; I copied it the other day, and I think she'll find it a puzzlewig when she comes to it." After which Arthur folded his paper and put it into an envelope which he licked copiously, and closed the letter with a great deal of display.

When the document was finished, Don asked him to read this clause over again. He complied with the request, and as he folded the paper very deliberately waited for his auditors to say a word of commendation; but as they didn't do it, he said it himself. "Now, I drew up that instrument, and I think it is just about right," said he, complacently.

It was raised, and gravel, clay, and sand from some new shore were washed over the bed of animal remains, burying it deeply. Continued movements of the earth finally folded these rocks, which, as they were, squeezed and broken, became warm. The heat and pressure started chemical action in the decayed animal bodies, and particles of organic matter were driven off in the form of oil and gas.

She did not seem to hear the regretful echo in her sister's voice, nor did she take her to task for the idle hands that lay folded on her lap, nor disturb by word or look the times of silent musing, that grew longer and more frequent as those uneventful days passed on. What was to be said?

As the evening falls the sheep come slowly home to the fold. Rooks are fond of the places where sheep have been folded, and perhaps that is one of the causes why they so continually visit certain spots in particular fields to the neglect of the rest. The waves coming round the promontory before the west wind still give the idea of a flowing stream, as they did in Homer's days.

When she rose and sat down, with folded hands and eyes downcast, there was something so pensive in her subdued mien that I could not take my eyes from her.