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The colonel is an old fogy and pompous but a gentleman as good as they make them!" A slightly jealous uneasiness and a greater sense of shame came over Blair. "I seem to have been the only one who suspected and did not aid you," he said sadly, "and yet God knows" The widow had put up her slim hand in half-smiling, half-pathetic interruption. "Wait! I have not told you everything.

"Come right in, boys, glad to see you," was Mr. Forbes' hearty greeting. "I shouldn't wonder if our young friends here would be glad too. They've spent the whole afternoon with my old fogy talk and I'll warrant they'll be glad of a change." "You, stay with us, Uncle, and enjoy the change, too," laughed Alicia, as Mr. Forbes was leaving the room.

He knew nothing of auræ which photography has captured. He was very old fogy. But he knew an honest man when he saw one and a gentleman before he opened his mouth. "Feel what?" Mrs. Austen repeated. Verelst, thrashing about, could not get it, but he said: "I can't describe it, but it's something. His father had it. He " "His father is at death's door." "Ah! Is he? Well, I'm sorry for that.

There never was any doubt about Millie." "Oh, Miss Neugass, you frighten me! What if my arm is too short? Your sister's teacher, Ballman, to whom your mother sent me, says so little." "Ballman is a great voice builder, but he doesn't concern himself with the future of his pupils. He's a dear old fogy with a single-track mind." "What did he used to say of your sister?"

Denisart was partial to blue; his roomy trousers and well-worn greatcoat were both of blue cloth. "'How long is it since that old fogy came here? inquired Maxime, thinking that he saw danger in the spectacles. "'Oh, from the beginning, returned Antonia, 'pretty nearly two months ago now. "'Good," said Maxime to himself, 'Cerizet only came to me a month ago.

I have noticed that young people are much more apt to be influenced by those only a few years older than themselves than they are by persons whose ideas they may regard as antiquated or old-fogyish." "Oh, papa, how can you say so?" cried Elta, springing up and throwing her arms about his neck. "How can you say that you could ever be an old fogy?"

Why, look what a stupid old fogy I was then, toddling about the place with too much time on my hands, reading a lot and forgetting everything; and here you came in, gave me something to do, made the little I know of any use, and ran a pretty gold wire down the rusty fiddle of life. If there are any speeches of gratitude to be made, they are mine, they are mine."

As we were about taking our leave my father said: "Well, my son, you have seen General Cass; what do you think of him?" And the general patting me affectionately on the head laughingly said: "He thinks he has seen a pretty good-looking old fogy that is what he thinks!"

She felt cold all over and shivered, as she led Gypsy back, though she knew she was blushing furiously. Concealed behind the barn door, peeping through a crack, was Tess. "It was awful!" moaned Missy. "I can never face Rev. MacGill again!" "Oh, he's a good sport," said Tess. "She gave me an awful calling down." "Oh, grandma's an old fogy."

"And don't you know," said the Sheik of the Outfit, "that caravans will then stop here for rest and refreshments, giving you a chance to steal the camels, the horses, and the goods?" "May the wild hog defile my grave, but thou speakest wisdom!" the Fogy replied, with the dignity of his race, extending his hand. "Sheik." They shook. At Heaven's Gate