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Every spring, the station agent tells me, there have been a score of such alarms, and when the people heard Nunamaker they laughed and called him an old fogy for his pains. They had run too often to the mountains to escape some imaginary flood to be scared by anything less than the actual din of the torrent in their ears.

"Boring for water, you black-and-tan galoot!" replied the Sheik of the Outfit, with that ready repartee which distinguishes the Unbeliever. "Knowest thou not, thou whelp of darkness and father of disordered livers," cried the Fogy, "that water will cause grass to spring up here, and trees, and possibly even flowers? Knowest thou not, that thou art, in truth, producing an oasis?"

He was wise enough to count himself an old fogy, a provincial, and "a simon-pure habitant," but of the three he only had any knowledge of life. As men of the world the Cure and the Notary were sad failures, though they stood for much in Chaudiere. Yet this detracted nothing from the fine gentlemanliness of the Cure or the melodramatic courtesy of the Notary.

In vain she told herself that he was an old fogy, that he had Sunday-school notions, that he wouldn't be able to see anything but wrong in a harmless flirtation that would end with Mac's return to college. But would it end? That was a question Nance was beginning to ask herself with curious misgiving. The last of the month rolled round with incredible swiftness.

"Of course I do; and he talks to me as if I were some old fogy with an estate of my own. I must concoct a letter and explain my views; and the more I can make him understand how things really are the better. I don't suppose he wants to see his daughter come to grief." "Then the sooner you write it the better," said Mr. Parker. "He Wants to Get Rich Too Quick"

I suppose the son carried on the friendship." "He looks as old as my father, off the stage," said Bernice; "but on it, he might be my father's son!" "You can't tell a thing about actors!" declared Alicia. "If ever I think another one is handsome and fascinating, I'll remember James Bayne, and know he's nothing but an old fogy!" "Oh, I don't call Mr. Brown an old fogy," defended Dotty.

It's great sport, I tell you, but it takes a man to stand it." "Oh, I'm man enough by now." "Not according to your grandfather's thinking." "What does he know about it? He's just an old fogy himself." "We'll see, we'll see. If he wants to keep you tied to nurse's strings too long, we must play him a trick.

Iver and Southend spoke of big schemes in which they had been or were engaged together legitimate enterprises, good for the nation as well as for themselves. How had he, a useless old fogy, dared to blackball a man like Iver? An occasional droll glance from Southend emphasized his compunction. "I see you've got a new thing coming out, Neeld," said Southend, after a pause in the talk.

Such characterization of such men soon created a flagrant scandal in the Democratic party, which was duly aired both in the newspapers and in Congress. It definitely fixed the phrases "old fogy" and "Young America" in our slang literature.

Camusot's conduct was sanctioned by the presence of his father-in-law, a little old fogy with powdered hair and leering eyes, highly respected nevertheless. Again Lucien felt disgust rising within him.