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I knew he was blaming me for the trade falling off, so I persuaded him to make a flying trip with me to Buffalo, Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit and Chicago. The dealers at Buffalo were rather old fogy, and we got our order there from our regular customer, but when we struck Cleveland I saw the old man open his eyes.

There happened to be at this time an old fogy of course it is most distressing to speak of anyone disrespectfully; but when one thinks of the trouble he caused, and not only that, but he was an old fogy, essentially and pre-eminently and his name was Sir Maunder Meddleby. The baron and the baronet had been making a happy day of it.

A lifetime of happy intimacy between two individuals as different as a young man and a young women can be attained if the mind is used. It is only the old fogy who thinks modern young people "know too much."

"That's what we have already done, my boy," he said, "and so far none of our distinguished correspondents have sent us a thing worth printing that we didn't already know. You see they can't send any more to us in the way of news than we can get from the War Department in Washington, and most of these men are too old fogy to send us anything out of the ordinary line of war correspondence.

At this exposure of his hypocrisy, the Sportsman was so overcome with shame and remorse that he would not strike the Squirrel, but pointing it out to his dog, walked thoughtfully away. The Fogy and the Sheik

"My dear, I sometimes fancy I am a hypercritical old fogy!" he said, and sighed a little, while once more the anxious look crept into his face. "Just now I wish devoutly I was a better business man." Nothing more was said for a little, and Miss Barrington watched the crimson sunset burn out low down on the prairie's western rim.

"All honor to this true love, which, with all the reasons for its justification, and all the pathos of its heavenly source, glides stealthily to the royal palace, and hides itself under the shadow of the silent night. My good young sentimentalist, remember I am not a novice like yourself; I am an old fogy, and call things by their right names.

It is a sort of disenchanting familiarity that rubs off the bloom." "Have you any statistics on the subject?" "No. I fancy it is only a notion of some old fogy who thinks education in any form is dangerous for women."

"I a I am getting to be quite an old fogy." "Your teeth and digestion are still good," said his sister-in-law, with provoking composure; "and you are able generally speaking to get about without a stick." "Pshaw!" said Roger. He laughed again, and threw out his powerful arms.

Could Benjamin have known all this at the time, possibly he might have considered it wisdom to go in when it rained. I am not an old fogy, though I may have that appearance, and I rejoice to see the world move on. One by one I have laid aside my own encumbering prejudices in order to keep up with the procession.