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There's a fine keen courage about you Western chaps that makes a cautious old fogy like me envious. I shall remember meeting you with a great deal of pleasure." "Th-thanks. Been pleasure meet you." "And I know Claire will, too." Milt felt that he was being dealt with foully. He wanted to object to Saxton's acting as agent for Claire as incompetent, irrelevant, immaterial, and no foundation laid.

"You have complained to one, haven't you?" "Yes, but he seems a feeble old fogy. Where is the other? Oh, pray tell me?" "I mustn't: I mustn't In the noisy ward. There, run." And run he did. Alfred was lucky enough to get safe into the noisy ward without being intercepted. And then he encountered a sunburnt gentleman, under thirty, in a riding-coat, with a hunting-whip in his hand: it was Mr.

"Heavens!" exclaimed Nina, "the blue-stocking and the fogy! and yours are pale blue, Eileen! you're about as self-conscious as Drina slumping there with your hair tumbling

The regiment was inclined to believe that Melanie, incensed by the captain's defection, had contrived to entrap the major, telling him some abominable stories and prevailing upon him to insult and strike Burle publicly. Who would have thought it of that old fogy Laguitte, who professed to be a woman hater? they said. So he, too, had been caught at last.

I was so thin then I could hardly cast a shadow. I've changed some since," casting his eyes admiringly downward, "and got quite a figure. I was forty-three last month." "That isn't old; that's just right." "I've been afraid you looked on me as being an old fogy!" "I should say not," indignantly. "Why should you ever think that?" "Well, there were so many young fellows hanging about." "Who?"

"A generous fellow plays for the play, a sordid one for the stake; an old fogy sits by and smokes the pipe of tranquillity, while Jack and Tom are pommeling each other in the ring." "Why don't you come in, George, and have a turn with the gloves? You are big enough and strong enough," Pen said. "Dear old boy, you are worth ten of me."

He caught sight of Terry and, throwing her an airy salute, came with an eager stride towards her. He wasn't the old fogy Tabs had so persistently imagined. He was young, barely thirty, lean, tall and swift-moving as an arrow very much what Tabs had been before he had spent himself at the war. "Hulloa, Terry! This is ripping. I didn't expect you But what's all this? An accident!

He was handsome, pleasant, good-humoured, and full of talk; had nothing about him of the official fogy; and was regarded by all his friends as a man who was just now fit to marry. "They say that he is such a good son, and such a good brother," said Lady Elizabeth, anxiously. "Quite a Phoenix!" said Emily, laughing.

He had not quite liked the tone of that specially esoteric young monster-cub, who had clearly regarded him as a distinguished fogy from the army of martyrs. He would take his wife back to Barsetshire, and there live contented with the good things which Providence had given him. Those high political grapes had become sour, my sneering friends will say. Well?

John Brown was by no means a conventional parson. He was smoking a cigarette, and two dogs followed at his heels. He was certainly not a fogy. He had more than a little admiration for Charley Steele, but he found it difficult to preach when Charley was in the congregation. He was always aware of a subterranean and half-pitying criticism going on in the barrister's mind.