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"Oh, then, so little Odette wants us to take her to the flower-show, does she? she wants to be admired, does she? very well, we will take her there, we can but obey her wishes." As Swann's sight was beginning to fail, he had to resign himself to a pair of spectacles, which he wore at home, when working, while to face the world he adopted a single eyeglass, as being less disfiguring.

The small rent charged for each plot is distributed in prizes given at an annual flower-show held in his grounds, for the best growers of flowers, plants, and vegetables. Hence the Haley Hill Horticultural and Floral Society, one of the most thriving institutions of the kind in the neighbourhood. In short, Mr.

"I have brought a new customer," said Miss Lucas; "and I want you to do a great favor, and that is to match a blue silk, and make her a pretty dress for the flower-show on the 13th." Madame Cie produced a white muslin polonaise, which she was just going to send home to the Princess , to be worn over mauve. "Oh, how pretty and simple!" exclaimed Miss Lucas.

And so, when she was in a happy mood because she was going to see the Reine Topaze, or when her eyes grew serious, troubled, petulant, if she was afraid of missing the flower-show, or merely of not being in time for tea, with muffins and toast, at the Rue Royale tea-rooms, where she believed that regular attendance was indispensable, and set the seal upon a woman's certificate of 'smartness, Swann, enraptured, as all of us are, at times, by the natural behaviour of a child, or by the likeness of a portrait, which appears to be on the point of speaking, would feel so distinctly the soul of his mistress rising to fill the outlines of her face that he could not refrain from going across and welcoming it with his lips.

Miss Lucas gave both ladies tickets for a flower-show, where all the great folk were to be, princes and princesses, etc. "But I have nothing to wear," sighed Rosa. "Then you must get something, and mind it is not pink, please; for we must not clash in colors. You know I'm dark, and pink becomes me. And this new Madame Cie, of Regent Street, has such a duck of a bonnet, just come from Paris.

If she has to walk as a rule, she will not buy dresses that look fit only for a carriage: she will not wear, in church, a brilliant dress that would be suitable at a flower-show. "Her husband is known in the gates." There was doubtless a great difference among the husbands at the gate, and I feel sure that this one took a specially large and public-spirited view of the business there discussed.

"We shall live to regret it," said Lady Eynesford, "but it shall be as you wish, Willie." So the Medlands came with the rest of the world to the flower-show, and were received with due ceremony and regaled with suitable fare.

They were agog with excitement, partly about the meeting, partly about the murder. While Eleanor was trying to tell her of the state of popular feeling, the Governor seized her arm and began to detail the story of the discovery. "You remember the man?" he asked. "He was at our flower-show had a sort of row with Medland, you know. The woman who keeps the house found him.

Lactimel went on with her little scheme for expending the cost of the flower-show in bread and bacon for the poor Irish of Saffron Hill; but Charley and Katie heard no more, for the mild philosopher passed out of hearing and out of sight. At last Katie got a poke in her back from a parasol, just as Charley had expended half a crown, one of Mr.

"You are happy here? Not sorry you came?" "Oh, not in the least sorry," said Juliet. He nodded. "That's all right. You've done Vera a lot of good. She's getting almost docile. But as soon as this flower-show business is over, I want you to use all your influence to get her away. We'll go North and see if we can get a little strength into her." Again he looked at her shrewdly.