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The light below burned redder and redder on the cliff; sounds of voices grew more distinct; the dark stream sprang into view, crimson under the increasing furnace glow. Then, as we rounded a heavy jutting crag, a great light flared up almost in our faces, not out of the kindling ravine, but breaking forth among the huge pines on the cliffs. "Their council-fire!" panted Mount.

Sundown, unaware of this, hardly anticipated that which confronted him as the match flamed blue and flared up, lighting the interior of the cave with instant brilliance. About six feet from where he crouched was the dried and shriveled figure of a Hopi chief, propped against the wall of the cave. Beside the figure stood the painted olla untarnished by age.

"You'd feel first rate if you could be dressed up for a few hours, go into a hotel dining room, have a good meal and then slip into a ballroom for a dance," laughed Prescott. "Bosh!" flared Tom. "I'm no dandy, and all I want is to be a man." "How do you stand, Harry?" grinned Dave Darrin. "Do you agree with Tom that dirt is the best stuff with which to decorate one's clothing?"

"Yes, sir," he said, "as soon as I can find a match." He brushed heavily against Kenneth. "I beg your pardon, Garwood. I'm all turned around. Where ? Oh, here they are." A match flared and Grafton lighted the droplight. Mr. Whipple turned to Kenneth, a triumphant smile on his thin features. "Well, what have you to say?" he asked. "About what, sir!" inquired Kenneth. "About smoking.

These orders were obeyed. The electric flared. By its light the office was seen to be quite empty save for a cabinet full of books and papers; rows and rows of battery jars; the receiving and sending apparatus of a wireless outfit; the deal table, and one wooden chair. Darrow looked around keenly. "That's all right, Jack," said he. "Just get around here cautiously and raise the window shade.

Then, upon the grand boulevards, on the thresholds of lofty black houses, only one row of whose windows flared in the night, pale-faced individuals, who had just come down from their clubs, stood lighting cigars before going home. A lady with a ball wrap over her evening gown went by accompanied by a servant.

The Greenwood women had prayers, and then, linked together, they went up the broad, old shallow stairs to the gallery above, and kissed one another good-night. In her own room Judith laid pine knots upon the brands. Up flared the light, and reddened all the pleasant chamber.

Nothing had occurred to equal it in sensation; and the huge headings flared across the front pages, undiminished and undismayed. "Why," screamed the Standard, in a perfect frenzy of letter press, "did Miss Edyth Vale visit Hume on the night of the murder?"

He did not follow them himself until he had picked up and tossed a fusee into the fire. The fusee flared and spat and spurted, and immediately it seemed to Fevrier so short an interval of time was there that the country-side was alive with the hum of a stirring camp, and the rattle of harness-chains, as horses were yoked to guns. For a third time that evening Fevrier laughed softly.

At that moment an Indian, rifle in hand, stepped into view from among the rocks, and with a grin on his face came toward the youth. Fred was not dreaming of anything of the kind, and looked at the red man in astonishment. "Eh! howdy, brother? That my buck," said the Indian, with his painted face still bisected by a tremendous smile. The lad flared up on the instant. "How do you make that out?