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He turned sharp to the left, and leaving the stable-man to stare after them, the lanthorn swaying in his hand, he led the way westward at the same steady trot. The chase had begun. More than that, Mr. Fishwick was beginning to feel the excitement of it; the ring of the horses' shoes on the hard road, the rush of the night air past his ears exhilarated him.

Fishwick knew that he was dismissed, but after a glance aside, which showed him Sir George standing in a brown study, he lingered. 'If your lordship, he said desperately, 'could see your way to do anything for my client? 'For your client? Why? the Earl cried, with a sudden return of his gouty peevishness. 'Why, sir why?

Fishwick, now groaning with fatigue and now crying 'Oh dear! oh dear! as he bumped, in a way that at another time must have drawn laughter from a stone, took heart of grace; while Sir George settled down to a dogged jog that had something ferocious in its determination.

"Fourteenth of September, William Fishwick, aged eighty-one, barber, West Quay, died the eleventh of the month." No, man, you are looking too low. Higher on the page! Here 'tis, do you see? Eh what is it? What's the matter with you? 'Nothing, Mr. Fishwick muttered.

Perhaps, the lawyer continued drearily, 'he had it in his mind, and when the time came his heart failed him. 'And I am that child? Mr. Fishwick looked away guiltily, passing his tongue over his lips. He was the picture of shame and remorse. 'Yes, he said. 'Your father and mother were French. He was a teacher of French at Bristol, his wife French from Canterbury. No relations are known.

'What stuff is this? he repeated, his head giddy with the sense of that which Mr. Fishwick had said. 'Who who is it has been kidnapped? Speak! D n you! Will no one speak? 'Your cousin, the lawyer answered. 'Your cousin, who claims 'Softly, man softly, said the landlord, coming forward and laying his hand on the lawyer's shoulder. 'And we shall the sooner know what to do.

'I must stop to get a lanthorn; we shall need one now. Do you go with his honour. Mr. Fishwick slid down and was hoisted into the other's saddle. By the time this was done Sir George was almost lost in the gloom eat the farther end of the street. But anything rather than be left behind.

Fishwick hesitated, but in the end professional pride swayed him, he drew out the coin, and grudgingly handed it over. 'Well, he said, 'it is a shilling for nothing. But, I suppose, as you have caught me, I must pay. 'I've caught a many that way, the old fellow answered as he pouched the shilling. 'But there, I do a lot of work upon them.

One of the same amount to Sir Charles Bunbury, Baronet. Five hundred guineas to each of my executors; and to each of these four a mourning ring. 'Certainly, sir. All very noble gifts! And Mr. Fishwick smacked his lips. For a moment Sir George looked his offence; then seeing that the attorney's ecstasy was real and unaffected, he smiled.

There he spent three days and his penultimate guineas in canvassing, begging, bowing, and smirking; and on the fourth, which happened to be the very day of Sir George's arrival in the city, was duly and handsomely defeated without the honour of a vote. Mr. Fishwick had expected no other result; and so far all was well.