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Les pauvres bons gens! they seem a little surprised when Henry receives them smilingly, begs them to construe the Latin, gives them good wine, and sends them back to London with faces half the length they were on their arrival. Mais voici, Monsieur, le fermier philosophe!" * She was brought up at St. Cyr.

U. S. S. Petrel: Commander, E. P. Wood; Lieutenants, E. M. Hughes, B. A. Fiske, A. N. Wood, C. P. Plunkett; Ensigns, G. L. Fermier, W. S. Montgomery; Passed Assistant Surgeon, C. D. Brownell; Assistant Paymaster, G. G. Seibles; Passed Assistant Engineer, R. T. Hall. Revenue Cutter McCulloch: Captain, D. B. Hodgdon. American loss: Two officers and six men wounded.

The contractor's splendid mode of living, vying with that of the fermier- general of old, the colossal masses of capital by which he backed and supported speculations that varied with an ingenuity rendered practical and profound by experience, inflamed into fever the morbid restlessness of fancy and intellect which characterized the evil scholar; for that restlessness seemed to supply to his nature vices not constitutional to it.

O'Brien gave me a push, as if to say, "Here's something that will do," and then continued "And curse the conscription I say too, for I had just married, and now my wife is left to be annoyed by the attention of the fermier general. But it can't be helped. C'est pour la France et pour la gloire." "We shall be too late to get a billet," replied the other, "and not a sou have I in my pockets.

Miss Foster was married to a brave fermier, and Bessie was assured that she would not recognize that depressed and neuralgic demoiselle in the stout and prosperous fermière she had developed into. Mdlle.

Not even Madame Roland, when she was sent to the second table at the fermier general's, expressed more indignation than Almeria did, at the insolence of this banker's lady. She could think and speak of nothing else, all the time she was going home in the evening to Elmour Grove.

I was charmed to see the pleasure this letter afforded Madame du Rumain pleasure which was increased by the perusal of the letter I had received. The only persons who were displeased were the poor mother, the frightful Farsetti, and the old fermier, whose misfortune was talked about in the clubs, the Palais-Royal, and the coffee-houses.

This protection has become necessary in consequence of an incautious felling of wood in the immediate neighbourhood of the mouth, which has exposed the ice to the assaults of the weather. The commune has let the glacière for a term of nine years, receiving six or seven hundred francs in all; and the fermier extracts the ice, and sells it in Geneva and Lausanne.

This letter, being shown to M. Beranger, 'fermier general' of the finances, took effect; he thought himself fortunate in being able to render this assistance to his sovereign, and lost no time in sending the 200,000 francs to Madame de Villers.

On alloit la mettre au rebut; un commis s'y oppose, et dit qu'on trouvera a qui la lettre s'adresse. Dix ou douze jours se passent. On voit arriver un grand benet, qui dit, "Messieurs, je viens savoir si on n'auroit pas garde ici une lettre de mon cher pere?" "Oui, monsieur," lui dit le commis, "la voila." On prete ce trait a Bouret, fermier general.