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The next morning the banker received a letter from the Police Department, instructing him to order the departure of his commis from Paris within 24 hours, and from France within a month. The same gentleman gave me a genuine edition of the celebrated story of Sartine's stopping the travellers at the gates of Paris.

The native fruits and buries in uce among the Indians of this neighbourhood are a deep purple burry about the size of a small cherry called by them Shal-lun, a small pale red bury called Sol'-me; the vineing or low Crambury, a light brown bury reather larger and much the shape of the black haw; and a scarlet bury about the size of a small cherry the plant called by the Canadin Engages of the N. W. sac a commis produces this bury; this plant is so called from the circumstance of the Clerks of those trading companies carrying the leaves of this plant in a small bag for the purpose of smokeing of which they are excessively fond. the Indians call this bury

Before going to bed I had some talk with my host about my adventures at La Brede before I applied to him for a night's lodging. There was actually a sparkle of mirth in his melancholy dark eyes, and his sunken cheeks were puckered up with a sort of smile. 'If you had been dressed in a black coat, said he, 'like a commis voyageur, they would have all found room for you. This was my opinion, too.

The French are, indeed, said to be a very lively people, but we mistake their volubility for vivacity; for in their public offices, their shops, and in any transaction of business, no people on earth can be more tedious they are slow, irregular, and loquacious; and a retail English Quaker, with all his formalities, would dispose of half his stock in less time than you can purchase a three sols stamp from a brisk French Commis.

"Grisettes and commis voyageurs!" said Dalrymple, contemptuously. "Let us go and look at the dancers." We went on, and stood in the shelter of some trees near the orchestra. The players consisted of three violins, a clarionette and a big drum. The big drum was an enthusiastic performer.

Son commis ajouta en P.S. "Depuis ma lettre ecrite je suis mort ce matin. Mardi an soir 7eme," &c. Un petit marchand pretendoit avoir achete trois sols ce qu'il vendoit pour deux. On lui represente que ce commerce le ruinera "Ah," dit-il, "je me sauve sur la quantite." Le chevalier de Lorenzi, etant a Florence, etoit alle se promener avec trois de ses amis a quelques lieues de la ville, a pied.

He is, if you please, a young commis very amorous, a little jealous, who gets angry, and becomes good-humoured again; but at least he is not a ferocious being, as TALMA represents Orosmane, in moments of rage and passion, or an unfeeling one in those which require sensibility. LAFOND is reproached sometimes with a bombastic and inflated tone.

However incompetent I may be to the task, I shall, as you desire it, attempt to sketch his person; though I doubt not that any French commis, in the habit of describing people by words, might do it greater justice.

Under the old regime, not a man was there in office, from the ministre d'etat to the commis, who did not think of making himself amends for the fatigues of the morning by a petit souper: these petits soupers, however, were, in latter times, carried to an excessive pitch of luxurious extravagance.

The French are, indeed, said to be a very lively people, but we mistake their volubility for vivacity; for in their public offices, their shops, and in any transaction of business, no people on earth can be more tedious they are slow, irregular, and loquacious; and a retail English Quaker, with all his formalities, would dispose of half his stock in less time than you can purchase a three sols stamp from a brisk French Commis.