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To the left, the wide flat level of the plain, with low hills rising on its verge; to the right, a pale pool of water at the bottom of a secret valley, reflecting the leafless bushes that fringe it, catches the sunset gleam that rises in the west; and then range after range of wolds, with pale-green pastures, dark copses, fawn-coloured ploughland, here and there an emerald patch of young wheat.

She departed without waiting for an answer. Putting on a bonnet, and taking an umbrella to occupy her hands, she went out into the remedial freedom of the streets. And after turning the first corner she saw coming towards her the figure of a woman whom she seemed to know, elegant, even stately, in youthful grace. It was Janet Orgreave, wearing a fashionable fawn-coloured summer costume.

On his shoulders, over one of those striped pyjama suits that Barbara had once ordered from the Stores, he wore, like a shawl, a woolly, fawn-coloured motor-scarf of Fanny's. His arms were laid before him on the counterpane in a gesture of complete surrender to his illness. Fanny was always tucking them away under the blankets, but if anybody came in he would have them so.

Its materials were of a fawn-coloured stone, common in the Mowbray quarries.

"I have been at the Tempests'. What have you to say against the Tempests?" "Oh, I have nothing to say against them," said Lady Mabel, shrugging her pretty shoulders in her fawn-coloured silk gown. "There are some things that do not require to be said." "Mr. Tempest is the best and kindest of men; his wife is well, a nonentity, perhaps, but not a disagreeable one; and his daughter "

"Partly; but also the thing. Bread-and-butter is a change after a great many petits fours." Mrs. Lightmark smiled a little absently as she sat smoothing the creases out of her pretty, fawn-coloured gloves. "Oh, the petits fours," she said, "for choice. One can take more of them, and amuse one's self longer."

He took up the glove a thick, fawn-coloured riding-glove and remembered it for one of his own. When he had lost it, or where he had lost it, he knew no more than did the table he was standing by. He had worn dozens of these gloves in the years gone by, up to the period when he had gone in mourning for John Massingbird, and, subsequently, for his uncle. "What is it, Lionel?"

Other hours in study of the social and domestic economies of gulls and cormorants. He saw families of awkward little fawn-coloured squawkers force their way out of their shells under his very eves, while indignant mothers told him what they thought of him from a safe distance.

He was of nondescript breed, with a distinct leaning towards an old English sheep dog. He had enormous fawn-coloured silky paws, and was so soft and floppy he seemed as if he had hardly a bone in his body. We used to pick him up and drop him gently in the grass to watch him go out flat like a tortoise.

'What have you got there, William? I inquired as he unfolded the parcel. 'My first step in the evolution of character, he replied solemnly, and took out a pair of white spats, and some fawn-coloured gloves. 'You don't mean you're going to wear those? gasped Henry. 'I am abhorrent as they are to me, rejoined William mournfully.