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Et puis," she added, with a fatalistic toss of her hands, "c'était fini. It was all over. Since then nothing!" She made a little dash as if to leave him, returning to utter what seemed like an afterthought. "It would have made her. It would have made me. We could have dictated to the Faubourg. We could have humiliated them like that." She stamped her foot.

"It's so devilish uncanny that one hardly knows what to believe. If this thing had happened in the East one might have looked at it with a more fatalistic eye. But here in England, no man in his senses could believe such a fool's tale as that which Nigel told us to-night. And yet Wynne has gone, vanished! Never a trace of him, though we'll search still farther for a while, to make sure!"

From this separation of God and man, the Mohammedan doctrine of predestination, in distinction from the Christian, acquires its abstract and fatalistic character, whereby man, instead of being regarded as a being in whose free activity God's power and life are glorified, is conceived as a passive instrument of a higher power. To true moral independence, therefore, the Moslem does not attain.

It was like going to revival meetings with some one who was always being converted. She handed her feelings over to the actors with a kind of fatalistic resignation. Accessories of costume and scene meant much more to her than to me. She sat entranced throughRobin Hoodand hung upon the lips of the contralto who sang, “Oh, Promise Me!”

So long as she exists and is kind to me my neurasthenia is a matter of indifference, and I do not even trouble about engineering." He tried to laugh away the seriousness of his tone, but he did not quite succeed. Hitherto I had been amused at his singular plight and his fatalistic acceptance of it. But now I was touched. "I'm talking very freely to you," he said.

"What logic!" he exclaimed. "Do you mean to say you wouldn't care any more?" "Oh, I'd care, but not in the same way. Don't you see, Eugene, I would have the satisfaction of knowing that even if we did separate you had had the best of me." It seemed astounding to Eugene that she should talk in this way reason this way. What a curious, sacrificial, fatalistic turn of mind.

He seemed fated to bring unhappiness on those he cared for Arúna, Lance, even Rose. And what of his father if he failed to marry? He hadn't even the grit to finish his wretched novel.... He rose at last, mechanically, and moved forward to the unrailed edge of all things. The magnetism of the depths drew him. The fatalistic strain in his blood drew him....

I had been expecting denials and subterfuges. This fatalistic utterance, without answering my reproaches, took me quite aback and made me tremble. "But," I replied in a severe tone, "Allah could not command you to bring unhappiness to your daughter." "As you are going to be married " "What matters my marriage?" I answered. "It cannot in any way affect Kondjé-Gul's happiness!

He, Kent, was to start for Edmonton the following morning under charge of Pelly and a special constable! After this Kent felt a strange change come over him. Years seemed to multiply themselves in his body. His mind, beaten back, no longer continued in its old channels of thought. The thing pressed upon him now as fatalistic. Fingers had failed him. Fortune had failed him.

She leaned over the rail and watched them come, still fatalistic, but gallant, bent on a dramatic finish, stooping and 'cutting' their horses. The first man was on her side of the course. She stared at him in amazed consternation as he came towards her. His strong blue eyes, caught by the fixity of her glance or by her bright hair, saw her, and became triumphant.