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It was sometimes, indeed, carried to an extreme almost Quixotic; so that men morally fat-witted could not even comprehend his principles of action, and men who contented themselves with conventional morality resented his assertion of them as a reflection upon themselves. His loyalty to those who had become dear to him was, moreover, just as conspicuous as his loyalty to what he deemed right.

He walked swiftly along, gayly whistling "Donna e Mobile," with certain private variations of his own, until he reached the splendid monument erected to the miserly old Duke of Brunswick, who showered his scraped-up millions upon an alien city, to spite his own fat-witted Brunswickers, and so escaped the blood-fleshed talons of the hungry-Prussian eagle.

You start a woman with sense to making mistakes and you've started her to learning common-sense; but you let some one else shoulder her natural responsibilities and keep her from exercising her brain, and it'll be fat-witted before she's forty.

"Thy large family, eh? How old is that fat-witted son of thine?" "Sixteen, Sir Richard; but that is not his fault, indeed!" "Nay, I suppose he would be still sucking his thumb if he dared get up, man get up and seat yourself." "Heaven forbid!" murmured poor Vindex, with deep humility.

Who shall now sneer at Puritanism, with the Defence of Unlicensed Printing before him? Who scoff at Quakerism over the Journal of George Fox? Who shall join with debauched lordlings and fat-witted prelates in ridicule of Anabaptist levellers and dippers, after rising from the perusal of Pilgrim's Progress? "There were giants in those days."

No; you would be at one with all other fat-witted people, and there was no greater blessing conceivable. Pope muttered, and produced his notebook, and wrote tentatively. Wrote Mr. "His state!" yes, undeniably, two sibilants collided here.

There was a certain conscientiousness about it, a certain thoroughness of execution a certain plodding and painstaking carefulness, in a word, such as is possible only to those who have spent years in guiding fat-witted tourists among the antiquities of the Lichfield Historical Association. "You ought to exercise more," Rudolph Musgrave admonished his victim, when he had ended.

And the louder they all laughed, the more stupid and helpless did the two and twenty gormandizers look. Beautiful as her face was, and though there was a smile on it, it looked just as wicked and mischievous as the ugliest serpent that ever was seen; and fat-witted as the voyagers had made themselves, they began to suspect that they had fallen into the power of an evil-minded enchantress.

And now there was not a vestige left of his past nefarious traffic. "Timmins can do no harm now," sneeringly laughed Fritz Braun. "For I carry these things in my head, and he must trust to some member of the craft. What blockheads these fat-witted English practitioners are."

She addressed them at first in deliberate tones, and Arthur noted that the interest was genuine he wondered how long his fat-witted club friends could endure or appreciate the easy manner in which Yetta Silverman quoted from great thinkers, and sprinkled these quotations with her own biting observations.