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Going to the door, which opened into the farmyard, he found it securely fastened. Although he turned the lock, the door would not open. Presently his attention was drawn by the glitter of something upon one of the crosspieces of timber halfway up the wall. Going over, he examined it, and found it to be a broken bayonet left there by a careless rebel.

Therefore if time were given him he must trust to his wit. "Make ready, you are about to die," said Adrian. "I think not," replied the prostrate Ramiro. "Why not?" asked Adrian, astonished. "If you will be so kind as to move that sword-point a little it is pricking me thank you. Now I will tell you why. Because it is not usual for a son to stick his father as though he were a farmyard pig." "Son?

In looking through a collection of Reynolds, Gainsboroughs, Dobsons, Morlands, we are moved by something more than the artistic beauty of the pictures. Seeing that peaceful farmyard by Morland, a dim remote life, a haunting in the blood, rises to the surface of the brain, like a water-flower or weed brought by a sudden current into sight of the passing sky.

Mrs F told me the following anecdote: Her father had four cows, which every evening, at milking-time, were driven from the field into their byre. On their way they had to pass through the farmyard, when they would endeavour to snatch as many mouthfuls of hay as they had time to secure from the hay-stacks.

Things are now all right; and Ellesmere next day announces to his friends that Mildred and he are engaged. Two chapters, on Government and Despotism respectively, give us the last thoughts of the Friends abroad; then we have a pleasant picture of them all in Milverton's farmyard, under a great sycamore, discoursing cheerfully of country cares.

The farmyard was not the first place that Chirpy Cricket chose for his home. Before he dug himself a hole under the straw near the barn he had settled in the pasture. Although the cows seemed to think that the grass in the pasture belonged to them alone, Chirpy decided that there ought to be enough for him too, if he didn't eat too much.

This pony's nothing but a toy," he had told the farmyard folk. "He's a child's plaything about as much use as the little wooly dog that lives down by the sawmill." One trip to the village and back, behind Johnnie Green's glistening new buggy, was enough to change Spot's opinion of the newcomer.

Not a trace was visible of the disorder often seen in a country farmyard, and which shows a temporary cessation of the work which is soon to be resumed again. Neither a cart forgotten where the horses had been unharnessed, nor sheaves of corn heaped up ready for threshing, nor a plow overturned in a corner and half hidden under the freshly-cut clover.

Once he was careless enough to get between the wind and a farmyard, whereupon a watchful cur started a barking, which was taken up and kept up for an hour by all the dogs of the village. At this the wolf, with snarling, contemptuous jaws apart, withdrew to a knoll, sat quietly erect upon his haunches, and waited for the din to subside.

He followed her across the farmyard and through the gate into the "loanie." "My father wouldn't like to hear you saying that," he said. "Why?" she asked. "Does he not like the English way of talkin'?" "Indeed, he does not. He loves the way you talk, the way all the Ulster people talk!..." "What! Broad an' coarse like me?" she interrupted. Henry nodded his head.