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And this, be it remembered, was for eleven hours' work and in a factory requiring a higher grade of efficiency than the average.

At the other factories I had asked most of the questions and answered fewer. Here I could hardly get a question in edgewise for the flood which was let loose on me. I explained in each factory that I lived with a widow who brought me from California to look after her children. I did some work for her evenings and Saturday afternoon and Sunday, to pay for my room and board.

He came out of the endless litigation without discredit but with heavy costs; he pushed his business with redoubled zeal, lowering his prices somewhat and flooding the country with advertisements. Orders were not lacking, the big chimney smoked night and day, and for a few years Hürlin and his factory flourished, and enjoyed respect and ample credit.

Men worked singly, or by twos and threes in sheds or workrooms adjoining their homes. The people lived in small villages or on scattered farms. Within the century American industry was transformed. Production shifted to the factory; about the factory grew up the industrial city in which lived the tens or hundreds of thousands of factory workers and their families. The machine made a new society.

"You ought to have a district nurse and inspector/ said Geneviève, amused, in spite of her indignation, at the dark picture presented. "Distric' nothin'," the other sneered. "There ain't nothin' here but rent an' taxes doggone if I don't quit. There's plenty to do this here mindin' work, an' I bet I could make more at the factory. They're payin' grand for overtime."

Pranker's," said the doctor, stopping at the third door in a block of factory houses, "and it's a sister-in-law of hers who wants to 'hire out. I've a patient in the next row, and if you like, I'll leave you here a few minutes." Faith's foot was instantly on the chaise step, and she sprang to the ground with only an acknowledging touch of the good doctor's hand, upheld to aid her.

He enjoyed his good time while it lasted, and eventually married the eldest daughter of a small blacking factory. She was a plain girl, but pleasant, and later brought to Jarman possession of the factory. When I meet him he is now stout and rubicund he gives me the idea of a man who has attained to his ideals. With Minikin we had more trouble. People turned up possessed of scientific smattering.

And what kind of a name have these girls now? What future have these women to look forward to? Generally the world's cold, nipping scorn, combined with ill-health and destitution. A girl would much rather work in a factory, or a 'saloon, because she can be called 'Miss, dress finer, and imagine she will be thought a lady! Poor girl!

His office consisted of a room about ten feet square, located in what was then known as the Sun building, an edifice ten by forty feet, situated at the corner of Spruce and Nassau streets, where the Tribune is now published. His "factory" was at his residence in Hudson street.

"I'll speak to him about it." This happened more than a week after Carl went to work in the factory. He had already received one week's pay, and it remained untouched in his pocket. Leonard joined him in the street early in the evening, and accosted him graciously. "Where are you going?" he asked. "Nowhere in particular. I am out for a walk." "So am I. Shall we walk together?" "If you like."