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At this Welsh factory 250 tons yearly were produced, and small earthenware pots sufficed for the electrolyte. Thirty years later one American factory alone was able to produce at least 350 tons of electrolytic copper in twenty-four hours, and over 400,000 tons is the aggregate output of the refineries of the world, which is about 53 per cent, of the total raw copper production.

The boys were generally the readers, while the girls were encouraged by their motherly landlady to repair and keep their clothes in order, a branch of womanliness apt to be much neglected by factory operatives, who often marry and enter upon family duties without even knowing how to hold a needle.

The girl offered her crooked shoulder unasked as a support to Selene, and measured her step; to those of the sufferer with as much nicety as if she felt everything that Selene herself did; thus, without speaking, they reached the door of the factory; there, in the first court-yard the little hunchback made Selene sit down on one of the bundles of papyrus-stems which lay all about the place, by the side of the tanks in which the plants were dipped to freshen them, and arranged in order, built up into high heaps, according to the localities whence they were brought.

Tobin's house received us in the usual factory of the South Coast, a ground- floor of wicker-work, windowless, and thatched after native fashion.

Very likely He would look at their wives and the little children." He thought a moment. I could see that he was not as afraid of having Christ see the factory as he was of having Him see the house. I was not quite sure but I thought there was a little faint gleam in his eye when I mentioned the factory. "What do you make?" I asked. He named something that everybody knows.

This man met their expectations and to-day he stands at the top of the selling heap. More than this, he is building a factory on the outskirts of Paris where he will make and assemble his product.

That sent the manager flying to the telephone, and in due course of time set the police officials at the nearest police station bustling. Within half an hour a car dashed up to the gates of the sugar factory, and the most important and imposing of individuals commenced an official investigation on the spot.

"As a rule no more objection is raised to white and colored children sitting on separate seats in the same school room than to their sitting on separate seats in the same street car. The school is regarded as a place for work, where each has his own work to do, much the same as in the shop or factory where both white and colored are employed.

War talk is shop talk to the men who are fighting it and winning it, and it is perfectly true and perfectly reasonable, too, that they like to get away from it when they can, just as any man likes to get away from the thought of his business or his work when he isn't at the office or the factory or the shop.

You'll have to tell him the reason, and then 'I'll tell him everything. I'll bear it. Can I help it, Lyddy? Am I happy? 'But you haven't thought, Thyrza. It means that Gilbert will have to go on with his work at the factory. 'Why? His mother will go and live with him at the library. Her voice sank. She began to understand. 'Do you suppose he can take that place from Mr.