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"It'd be an interesting experiment, no doubt," said Harry. "But, if you don't mind, I'll leave it for someone else to try. I'd recommend a wooden-legged man as the experimenter. He'd feel much more at his ease while the snake was trying how much venom he could get through a pant leg!" "I was just a-goin' to ring the big bell," said Mrs. Brown.

If chance should put such an accidental race in the hands of an experimenter, it could be protected and preserved, and having no straight atavistic branches, but being twisted in all its organs, might yield the most curious conceivable monstrosity, surpassing even the celebrated dwarf twisted shrubs of Japanese horticulturists. Such varieties however, do not exist at present.

We shall state only such cases as we have seen and carefully examined. A. is a young man well known by a great number of the spectators unsuspected of falsehood knows nothing of the experimenter or of electro-biology, not even the meaning of the words.

And indeed he was nearer death than he supposed; for as the string was sprinkled with rain, it became a better conductor, and gave out its electricity more copiously; and if it had been wholly wet, the experimenter might have been killed upon the spot. So much for this child's toy. The splendid discovery it made of the identity of lightning and electricity was not allowed to rest by Ben Franklin.

Later, he constructed an apparatus which suspended a plane from a long arm which swung on a tower, in order that experiments might be carried out without risk to the experimenter, and it was not until 1905 that he attempted power-driven free flight. He took up the Voisin design of biplane for his power-driven flights, and virtually devoted all his energies to the study of aeronautics.

We have now stated, 1st, That such an act of long-fixed attention upon one object, has a very remarkable effect on the brain; 2d, That in the cerebral condition thus induced, the mental powers are not free to maintain their normal relations to each other; especially, will, comparison, and judgment, appear to lose their requisite power and promptitude of action, and are thus made liable to be overruled by the suggestions of imagination or the commands of the experimenter.

It is fair to offer tribute here to her bravery as well as to her wisdom, for at times she was in mortal terror lest the precocious experimenter below should, in his inexperience, make some awful combination that would explode and bring down the house in ruins on himself and the rest of the family.

EVERY investigator, experimenter, and scientist, who has given the subject of flight study, proceeds on the theory that in order to fly man must copy nature, and make the machine similar to the type so provided. THE THEORY OF COPYING NATURE. If such is the case then it is pertinent to inquire which bird is the proper example to use for mechanical flight.

The work on May 6 was distinctly better, and the animal's behavior indicated, in a number of trials, definite recognition of the right door. He might, for example, make a number of incorrect choices, then pause for a few seconds to look steadily at the doors, and having apparently found some cue, run directly to the right box. No aid from the experimenter was needed in this series.

He evidently felt the need of keeping his eyes on the experimenter, Hence the backing into the open box. The tendency disappeared shortly after the experimenter gave up the use of the growl as a method of punishing the animal for what were suspected to be careless choices. Curiously enough, it was not until July 10 that direct choice of the right box was made at all frequently.