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Alas! alas! what a pasticcio! made by herself made by herself and her lawsuits about the defunct Guinigi damn them!" It was seldom that the cavaliere used bad words excuse him. The road from Lucca to Corellia lies at the foot of lofty mountains, over-mantled by chestnut-forests, and cleft asunder by the river Serchio the broad, willful Serchio, sprung from the flanks of virgin fastnesses.

Her mirthfulness, her own happiness, is so genuine that it is contagious. Suppose you exchange duties and ask her to come over and enliven me while you entertain her father," concluded the old lady mischievously. "I would not dare to face such a fiery veteran as you have described alone." "I knew you would have some excuse. Well, be on your guard.

His native generosity might have prompted him perhaps to find some excuse for the fur-trader's apparent want of candour, or to believe that there might be some explanation of it, but, as it was, he flung into the other scale not only the supposed injury inflicted by Redding, but all his weighty disappointments at the loss of his old home, and of course generosity kicked the beam!

"May I see?" he asked, holding out his hand to take the tube. Kalmon would not give it to him, but held the tube before his eyes under the bright light of the lamp. "Excuse me," he said, "but I make it a rule never to let it go out of my hands. You understand, don't you? If it were passed round, some one might lay it down, it might be forgotten, somebody might take it for something else."

Janie had never seen those eyes grow steely and keen; she had never seen the lips draw into firm lines, or the slim form stiffen as the boy listened to the doings of the king's soldiers. When the neighbors came with thrilling tales of daring done by some loved one, Janie made some excuse for sending the boy upon an errand or to bed; the contrast was too bitter.

Soon after their arrival she had been told to take down the heavy window curtains in the two bedrooms, and day by day the rooms had seemed to grow more bare. Nothing was left lying about. "Mr. Borlsover doesn't like to have any place where dirt can collect," Saunders had said as an excuse. "He likes to see into all the corners of the room."

On she came, straight on to the Doctor's shoulder, where she immediately began talking a steady stream in a language I could not understand. She seemed to have a terrible lot to say. And very soon the Doctor had forgotten all about me and my squirrel and Jip and everything else; till at length the bird clearly asked him something about me. "Oh excuse me, Stubbins!" said the Doctor.

"Here are no less than seven men, all calling themselves my friends, who accepted my invitation, and who write to excuse themselves on the very day of the party. Do you know why? They're all afraid of my father I forgot to tell you he's a Cabinet Minister as well as a Lord. Cowards and cads. They have heard he isn't coming and they think to curry favor with the great man by stopping away.

The best excuse was the admission of what could not be denied, with supplications for pardon, expressions of repentance, prayers, promises. But Madame de Maintenon had not finished yet.

"That seems to have made no difference to you," she retorted, laughing. "It made this difference. I seized upon the only excuse I had and came to pay my respects as a kinsman. Do you know that I am a relation?" "That is a very pretty compliment to us all, I think." "It is you who are kind in accepting me." "As a relative, I am very glad to " "I came," he said, "to see you. And you know it."