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But they are afraid the pillar will fall, Stephen went on. They see the roofs and argue about where the different churches are: Rathmines' blue dome, Adam and Eve's, saint Laurence O'Toole's. But it makes them giddy to look so they pull up their skirts... Easy all, Myles Crawford said. No poetic licence. We're in the archdiocese here.

Then, as the great arc of the morning sun lifted above the horizon, both men picked up the shovels lying close by them, and buried forever the treasure Peter had found. Eve's door was suddenly pushed open. She did not look up from her sewing-machine. She guessed who her visitor was. "Sit down, Annie, dear," she said, cordially. "I'll be through with this in a moment."

And I've no doubt that you and Sissie treated it all as a great piece of fun. You would!" The poor lady had gone as pale as ivory. Mr. Prohack was astonished he even felt hurt that he had not seen the thing from Eve's point of view earlier. Emphatically it did amount to an insult for Eve, to say naught of the immense desolating disappointment to her.

Unless, therefore, we credit him with superhuman prescience, it is absurd to make him talk in this way. Eve's name, no less than Adam's, betrays the mythological character of the story. It means the "mother of all," and was evidently applied to her by the Jewish writers in order to signify her supposed relationship to the human race.

That's because I don't spend three parts of my time in milliners' shops," Mr. Bundercombe replied. "Where are you spending most of your time?" I asked, determined to take the bull by the horns. Mr. Bundercombe set down his glass. "I've been expecting this," he remarked pleasantly. "Eve's been setting you on to pump me, eh?" I nodded. "That's exactly it," I admitted.

The billows of gold hair in the gallery were being piled up by two little hands white and plump like Eve's, but with quick clever irritating movements, and a thin sweet self-conscious voice began singing "Du, meine Seele." Miriam lost interest in the vision.... They were all the same. Men liked creatures like that. She could imagine that girl married.

For a space his assurance faltered; then, by coincidence, the recollection of Eve and Eve's words of last night came back to him, and his mind was filled with a new sensation. Because of Chilcote, he was despised by Chilcote's wife! There was no denying that in all the pleasant excitement of the adventure that knowledge had rankled.

"God, who created all things, alone knows everything." Whereafter the pair whispered together awhile. Then Felitzata disappeared as suddenly as she had come, leaving the old man sitting motionless. At length he heaved a profound sigh, and muttered to himself. "Into that Eve's ears be there poured the poison of the asp!... Yet pardon me, Oh God! Yea, pardon me!"

They combined Eastern and European comfort, and had the usual establishment of dragomans, kawwasses, and servants of all sizes, shapes, and colour. I was the only lady in the house, but we were nevertheless a very jolly party. Our first excursion was to Eve's Tomb, as it is called, a large curious building in a spacious enclosure.

She was practical, energetic and, above all things, bright. She was quite young and pretty, and Eve and she were considerable friends. She answered the girl's summons without a moment's delay, and, to her utmost distress, when she arrived, she found Elia in a fierce paroxysm of convulsions. "You think so, Annie?" Eve's eyes lifted hungrily to her friend's face.