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No one was more obliged to him than Hector Ernescliffe, who wrote to Margaret that it would be very jolly to come home again, and that he was delighted that the captain could not hinder either that or Cocksmoor Church. "And as to Maplewood, I shall not hate it so much, if that happens which I hope will happen." Of which oracular sentence, Margaret could make nothing.

Ernescliffe, pinioning the limbs of their offspring, as in preparation for a family holocaust; there was Dickie's mamma, unspoilable in her loveliness even by photography, and his papa grown very bald and archidiaconal; there was Ethel's great achievement of influence, Dr. Spencer, beautiful in his white hair; there were the vicar and the late and present head-masters.

Everybody can't be first, and Ernescliffe has the biggest half of her, I can see." "I am sure I did not," said Ethel, in a mortified voice. "Why, of course, it always comes of people having lovers." "Then I am sure I won't!" exclaimed Ethel. Norman went into a fit of laughing. "You may laugh, Norman, but I will never let papa or any of you be second to any one!" she cried vehemently.

"No, sir," said Larkins boldly, satisfying his conscience because he had not seen the manner of the overthrow. "Ernescliffe, were you there?" "No, sir." Tom's timid heart fluttered in dim hope that he had been overlooked, as Mr. Harrison paused, then said, "Remember, it is concealment that is the evil, not the damage to the book.

"I am not sure," said Norman; "he does pretty well on the whole. Some of them began by bullying him, and that made him cling to Cheviot and Ernescliffe, and the better party; but lately I have thought Anderson, junior, rather making up to him, and I don't know whether they don't think that tempting him over to them would be the surest way of vexing me.

Ernescliffe performed the wonderful feat of getting the former over the tall fence, while Norman conducted the donkey a long way round, undertaking to meet them at the other side of the plantation. The talk became desultory, as they proceeded for at least a mile along a cart-track through soft-tufted grass and heath and young fir-trees.

Harry would be getting into scrapes, and you and Mary running wild." "I wish Richard was at home!" said Flora. "I know!" cried Ethel. "Mr. Ernescliffe will come. I am sure he can walk so far now. I'll ask him." Ethel had clapped after her the heavy door with its shining brass lock, before Miss Winter well knew what she was about, and the governess seemed annoyed.

However, all seemed to do very well, and no one ever came into her room without some degree of rapture about Mr. Ernescliffe.

Wilmot held out his hand with a look of affection and kindness that went to his heart, making room for him on the sofa, while going on with what he was saying. "Then you think it would be better for me not to sit up with him." "I should decidedly say so," replied Mr. Ward. "He has recognised Mr. Ernescliffe, and any change might excite him, and lead him to ask questions.

"What first put it in my head was the first evening, while I was undoing the portmanteau; my father leaned on the mantel-shelf, and sighed and muttered, 'Poor Ernescliffe! I wish it may end well. I thought he forgot that I was there, so I would not seem to notice, but I soon saw it was that he meant." "How?" cried Ethel eagerly. "Oh, I don't know by Alan's way."