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On, Ashton Ingram, this way speed, speed, speed!" and with these words threw himself from his horse, and dashed after the two brothers, as they went crashing, in their heavy armour, downwards through the boughs. In less than a minute they were on the level ground, and Sir Reginald rushed forward to intercept Don Enrique, who was almost close to the river.

'Senhor, it is the heart of the saintly infante, was the answer he received, and without a word Enrique turned his horse, and accompanied by his knights rode on to Batalha, where he laid the casket in the grave which awaited it. Twenty-seven years after his death Fernando's body was obtained from the Moors, and was carried over to Portugal.

A little package shot four feet up into the air and was caught deftly by the barefoot trooper as it descended. The lips of Harrison barely moved. "Ride to-night, Enrique. Colonel Farrugia will also reward you well." "Si, señor," nodded Enrique, and went on his way. The face of the boy was toward the camp on the return journey. The American was still fast asleep.

The boys monopolized her with their congratulations and welcome, which delighted Enrique. As for the bride, she seemed at home from the first, soon recognizing me as the padrino segundo at the time of her betrothal.

With him kept Don Miguel de Silva, who loved Don Enrique's sister and would still talk of devoir and of plans, now that the war was ended. When the house was reached he would enter with us and still adhere to Don Enrique. But at the stair foot the latter spoke to the squire. "Find me in an hour, Juan Lepe. I have something to say to thee!"

Your guest leaves you to-morrow." The bright form rushed between us with a scream. "No, no, no, no!" she exclaimed, turning from one to the other, with the wild appeal of a passionate heart. "Come, little dove!" said the father, taking her by the hands; "do not be so easily fluttered. It is but for a short time. He will return again." "How long, papa? How long, Enrique?" "But a very short while.

Already she was beginning to consider this poor life of ours a grotesque affair this life in which so many men think themselves happy in the possession of the ten-millionth part of what they really want. It was almost seven o'clock when Enrique Darlés arrived. As soon as Alicia saw the student, she heaved a sigh of contentment and threw the book into the fire.

The pope and his cardinals decided that it was not, as the infidels had not made war upon him, and Duarte, though more than ever cast down, had not the courage to acknowledge that he had been hasty and foolish, and, bitterly though he repented of his weakness, he allowed Enrique to equip fleets in Lisbon and in Oporto.

This Mary was a certain Jewess, who, condemned to death, and thrown over the Peña Grajera, invoked the aid of the Virgin, and was saved. Another tomb is that of Prince Don Pedro, son of Enrique II., who fell out of a window of the Alcázar. His nurse, according to the tradition, threw herself out of the window after her charge, and together they were picked up, one locked in the arms of the other.

Whipped by the music, the foolish grief of Enrique Darlés broke into sobs. Now the second act was done, and Don Manuel and Alicia came into the outer box. The young woman's eyes green, eloquent eyes filled with astonishment. "What?" she asked. "You're crying?" Before the student could answer, she turned to her companion and said: "What do you think about that, now? He's been crying!"