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Both Christians and Africans now contended for the superiority. While the troops of Alfonso reduced Baeza, and, with a Mahometan ally, even Cordova, Malaga, and Seville acknowledged Abu Amram; Calatrava and Almeria next fell to the Christian Emperor, about the same time that Lisbon and the neighboring towns received Don Enrique, the new sovereign of Portugal.

The spot-light brilliantly illuminated him; he smiled, with the arrogant expression and gestures of a conqueror. Still applauding, Alicia exclaimed to Enrique: "Isn't he lovely? I've got to get some one to introduce me to him. My friend Candelas knows him very well." And her big green eyes widened with emotion. Her curly reddish hair shook like a lion's mane, over her willful forehead.

Haven't you even got, say, two hundred pesetas?" "Two hundred pesetas!" stammered Enrique, horror-stricken. "No, no, I haven't." "Well, a hundred, then?" "No." "All right. Come, tell me. How much have you got?" Enrique would have gladly died. Gnawing his lips with desperation, he answered: "I've hardly got ten left."

Just so she could get away from there quickly, little cared she whether Enrique lived a few hours more or less. In her abysmal ingratitude, Alicia Pardo wondered that women could love a man so much as to kiss his dead lips. Suddenly, anxious to have it all over, she asked: "But how did they wound you?" Enrique opened his eyes again, and then his lips. "I'll tell you," said he.

But don't be long about it. Hurry!" As soon as the Doctor had departed Bumpo sought out Don Enrique and said, "Honorable Sir, you owe me three-thousand pesetas." Without a word, but looking cross-eyed with annoyance, Don Enrique paid his bet. We next set out to buy the provisions; and on the way we hired a cab and took it along with us.

Bime by I find her in a wheat field, kissing and hugging little Carlos, who go out early and no meet the Indians; and he no ondrestan what is the matter and dance up and down he is so fright. I tell him run fas to San Diego and tell Don Roldan and Don Enrique whatte have happen, and he run like he is glad to get away.

A strange sadness hovered over the building; the damp, old building which once on a time had been a convent and now had become a school the building where the vast tedium of a science unable to free life from pain was added to the profound melancholy of a religion which thinks only of death. When Pascual Cañamares left his classroom, he asked Darlés to go and dine with him. Enrique accepted.

"She have the place that Chonita Iturbi y Moncada have before, and many caballeros want to marry with her, but she no pay much attention; only now I think like Enrique. Ay, he sing so beautiful, Señor, no wonder si she loving him. Serenade her every night, and she love the musica." "It certainly must be that," thought John, "for he hasn't an idea in his head." He did not see her until that night.

Tiburcio and Enrique accompanied us, and, riding leisurely, we reached the bend several hours before the return of the birds. The roost had been in use but a short time, but as we scouted through the timber there was abundant evidence of an immense flight of pigeons.

In 1625 a party of English and French occupied the island San Cristobal. Four years later Puerto Rico, being well garrisoned at the time, the governor, Enrique Henriquez, fitted out an expedition to dislodge them, in which he succeeded only to make them take up new quarters in Antigua.