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Well, if you are not ennuyée in fact, I want to tell you. It was too long to write, and I detest a pen. To me there is no instrument of torture like a pen. "Well, the lady next door, she was an American, and common, very common, according to papa. In comparison to us she had no family whatever. Our little children were forbidden even to associate with her little children.

All this is kind and good and affectionate; but there is just a suspicion excited that Madame might become slightly ennuyée, if she were subjected to this minute surveillance over her physical and spiritual hygiene.

"I! when we are in sight of Angers I shall leave you, and ride on to Navarre, where my good Margot expects me, and must be much ennuyee at my absence." "But no one knew you were here?" "I came to sell three diamonds of my wife's." "Ah! very well." "And also to know if this League was really going to ruin me." "You see there is nothing in it." "Thanks to you, no." "How! thanks to me?" "Certainly.

"Mamma appears to have forgotten us," said Isabella, as she spoke, after walking for some time in silence beside me. "Oh, depend upon it, the carriage has taken all this time to repair; but are you tired?" "Oh, by no means; the evening is delightful, but " "Then perhaps you are ennuyee," said I, half pettishly, to provoke a disclaimer if possible.

Johnstone, and very intelligent Captain Johnstone, a Berkshire man from near Hare Hatch, and had a very agreeable day, and much conversation on books and authors, and found that the Diary of an Ennuyee and Female Characters of Shakespeare, both very clever books, are by a lady who was governess to Mrs. Blackall and her sisters. Mrs.

Jameson's "Diary of an Ennuyée," which I now read for the first time, added to this desire for isolation and independence such a passionate longing to go to Italy, that my brain was literally filled with chimerical projects of settling in the south of Europe, and there leading a solitary life of literary labor, which, together with the fame I hoped to achieve by it, seemed to me the only worthy purpose of existence.

He alleged as his reason for changing his mind that his suit was shortly to come on before the Senate, but Mimi averred that Avdotia had found herself so ennuyee in the country, and had so often talked about Moscow and pretended to be unwell, that Papa had decided to accede to her wishes.

Suppose, now, that you are living in the country with a wife who loves you in this self-sacrificing manner. She may be patently ill, yet she will say not a word to you about it, for fear of distressing you. She may be patently ennuyee, yet for your sake she will be prepared to be so for the rest of her life.

She's near the window, the old Professor was talking to her a few minutes ago 'Very well, says Paul, moving towards the well filled drawing-room; the music has ceased and everyone is talking at once. He pauses for a second in the doorway and glances round the room, bowing to two or three people, then making his way to the window holds out his hand to a girl who is looking decidedly ennuyée.

"How wise of you, my dear! How wise! Then you are not yet sufficiently ennuyée to desire to leave me?" "Why why do you ask?" questioned Toby. There was a species of malicious humour about him that made her uneasy. Saltash in a mischievous mood was not always easy to restrain. He did not immediately reply to her question, and she turned with a hint of panic and tightly clasped his arm.