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Sammy Crockett was undergoing a heavy grooming with white embrocation at the hands of Sergeant Kentish when the landlord returned to Hewitt. "Does Danby know you've got him?" he asked. "How did you do it?" "Danby doesn't know yet, and with luck he won't know till he sees Crockett running to-morrow. The man who has sold you is Steggles." "Steggles?" "Steggles it is.

His mother gave Dion a swift considering look, and then at once began to consult him about Jimmy's hip. The visit ended with an application by Dion of Elliman's embrocation, for which one of the hotel page-boys was sent to the nearest chemist. "I say, mind you come again, Mr. Leith!" vociferated Jimmy, when Dion was going. "You're better than doctors, you know." Mrs.

I shall be ready to go with the Express again before Jim Thurston, even now." "No occasion ter worry any 'bout the Express, Kiddie," said Abe Harum, massaging the injured ankle with embrocation. "I'm notionin' ter take a spell at it myself fer a while, a kinder change for me, see? good as a holiday. Besides, thar's two individuals I'm anxious ter meet.

A warm bath perchance a bleeding a dose or two of the castor-oil mixture, and an embrocation composed of spirit of turpentine, hartshorn, camphorated spirit, and laudanum, will usually remove it in two or three days, unless it is complicated with muscular sprains, or other lesions, such as the 'chest-founder' of kennels.

The wonderful miracles wrought by Bridget Bostock, of Cheshire, who healed all diseases by prayer, faith, and an embrocation of fasting spittle, induced multitudes to resort to her from all parts of the country, and kept her salival glands in full employ.

"Doctor, my legs are getting very hot again." "Continue to bathe them with the vinegar and water, Mr Easy, until I send you an embrocation, which will give you immediate relief. I will call tomorrow. By-the-bye, I am to see a little patient at Mr Bonnycastle's: if it is any accommodation, I will take your son with me." "It will be a great accommodation, doctor," replied Mr Easy.

The cough, however, was decidedly better. '18th'. The cough is better. Again apply the embrocation. '19th. The cough and huskiness have returned. Employ an emetic, and continue the embrocation. '20th'. The cough is decidedly worse. Continue the embrocation, and give the fever mixture. '23d'. The embrocation and medicine have been daily used; but the cough is as bad as ever.

"You, however, I have sometimes wondered to notice, appear almost content here." Laura looked up with a smile, but said nothing. She, at least, had the sense and the courage to make the most of what could not be changed. It was a relief to her when, a minute or two later, the hired man opened the door. "If you've got the embrocation, I guess I'll give that ox's leg a rub," he said.

After Matrona or Irene had recovered she would keep out of her mistress's sight for a month or so; then it was as if nothing had happened, and the child was put out in the village. If any of her people fell sick, Tatiana got up in the night, sent him spirits and embrocation, but next day she would send him either to the infirmary or oftener to the "wise woman," but she did not send for a doctor.

"Give him a good hot bath, and mind and dry him well. He'll have a good sleep then, and won't have any pain. Then, first thing to-morrow, you want to give him salicylate of soda." "I'll never remember that.""I'll write it down for you. You ought to give him from ten to twenty grains three times a day in an ounce of water. And rub him with any good embrocation." "And he won't die?" "Die!