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Personally, it has always seemed to me that the salicylate of eserin is preferable to the sulphate, but I have not persuaded myself that the nitrate of pilocarpin possesses material advantages over the hydrochlorid, although some authors prefer it.

Spirits of camphor ten parts and turpentine two parts, applied daily, are useful in relieving the soreness of rheumatic muscles. Salicylate of soda two ounces, fluid extract of gentian one ounce, and sufficient water to make an eight-ounce mixture may be given internally three times daily after feeding.

"Give him a good hot bath, and mind and dry him well. He'll have a good sleep then, and won't have any pain. Then, first thing to-morrow, you want to give him salicylate of soda." "I'll never remember that.""I'll write it down for you. You ought to give him from ten to twenty grains three times a day in an ounce of water. And rub him with any good embrocation." "And he won't die?" "Die!

It may be well, if sodium salicylate is being used, to give also sodium bicarbonate, the sodium bicarbonate often preventing irritation of the stomach from the sodium salicylate, the dose being equal parts of the sodium salicylate and the sodium bicarbonate administered in plenty of water.

To increase the activity of the liver, salicylate of soda may often be advantageously administered for its cholagogue effect; or resort may be had to saline purgatives such as are afforded by the springs of Marienbad, Kissengen, Homburg, Carlsbad, Brides, Hunyadi, or Chatel-Guyon; and it is somewhat remarkable that while undergoing a course of these waters, there is often no appreciable change in weight or obesity, though the decrease becomes most marked almost immediately upon cessation of treatment.

We practise the body on dead typhoid germs by vaccination until it is able to fight the living ones and destroy them before they get a foothold. The diseases for which we have specific methods of treatment are few in number, and each has associated with it the name of a particular drug. Quinin kills the germ of malaria, sodium salicylate cures inflammatory rheumatism, and mercury cures syphilis.

It seems to be in the stiffle joint and the first one above. When she walks she gets real lame. Rheumatism is the trouble here. Give the following powder: Soda salicylate, 3 ounces; salol, 2 ounces; pulv. gentian root, 2 ounces. Mix and make 24 powders. Give four daily. Apply Pratt's, a good veterinary liniment. Bleeding for Blackleg.

This afternoon I went to San Sebastian to buy paper and salicylate of soda, which is less agreeable. A number of public guards were riding together in the car on the way over, along the frontier. They were discussing bull fighters, El Gallo and Belmonte, and also the disorders of the past few days.

Various drugs administered internally, such as quinine, salol, salicylate of iron, and others, have a reputation, more or less deserved, as internal antiseptics. Weakness of the heart, as indicated by the condition of the pulse, is treated by the use of such drugs as digitalis, strophanthus, or strychnin, according to circumstances.

The general treatment consists in attending to the emunctories, in administrating quinine in small two-grain doses every four hours, or salicylate of iron (2–5