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At sixteen to eighteen in High School, he struggled to define the basic principles of various literary art forms in order that he might see more clearly what he himself wanted to say. He took an active and eager part in the work of the "German Self-Education Society" created by the students of his school.

Dad patted him on the back.... If anything happens to him it'll kill my mother. Jim is her idol. It'd break my heart.... Oh, I hate the very name of Germans!" "My father is German," said Kurt. "He's been fifty years in America eighteen years here on this farm. He always hated England. Now he's bitter against America.... I can see a side you can't see. But I don't blame you for what you said."

This head-dress, borrowed from Greek antiquity, set off to admiration the pure, fine features of Mdlle. de Cardoville, and made her look so much younger, that, instead of eighteen, one would hardly have given her fifteen years of age.

Other women in my place would have grumbled I got up directly, as lively as any girl of eighteen you like to mention. Says he, 'I want Alicia taken out of young Softly's way, and you must do it. -Says I, 'This very morning, sir? Says he, 'This very morning. Says I, 'Where to? Says he, 'As far off as ever you can go; coast of Wales Crickgelly.

After this painful scene I gave them an account of what I had done in order to obtain the hand of my young sweetheart. Madame C -thanked me, expressed her appreciation of my honourable conduct, but she told me not to entertain any hope, because her husband, who was very stubborn in his ideas, had decided that his daughter should marry a merchant, and not before the age of eighteen.

"What an education you have had!" "I am twenty-two now, but I knew all these languages at eighteen." "Tell me who you are, tell me all about yourself. I am worthy of your confidence." "I think so too, and to give you a proof of my trust in you I am going to tell you my history, for since you love me you can only wish to do me good." "What are all these manuscripts?"

Woolsey only for her soul's sake, and she was near sixty years old when I married her, I never considered her really as a wife. After 1861 I never asked Brigham for another wife. By my eighteen real wives I have been the father of sixty-four children. Ten of my children are dead and fifty-four are living.

As I said, Frank sold this strange man two dollars worth of boards. The man gave Frank a twenty dollar bill, and Frank gave him back eighteen dollars in change." "Well, wasn't that right?" asked Mr. Bobbsey, with a smile. "Two dollars from twenty leave eighteen or it used to when I went to school." "That part is all right," Mr.

The rice-fields are divided into many small plats or pans, about ten yards square, with ridges of earth eighteen inches high, for the purpose of retaining the water, which is kept two or three inches deep over the roots of the grain, till it is just ready to ripen.

The loss amounted to little over forty killed, and five lictors and eighteen horsemen taken. Crispinus, after a few days, died of his wounds. Such a misfortune as this, losing both consuls in one battle, never before befel the Romans.