Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: January 13, 2025

I couldn't have come here if I hadn't been drinking. I couldn't have told you the truth, if I hadn't been drinking. But I'm sober enough to know that I've done for him and for her! And I'm even with you too bah! Did you think she cared a fig for you? She's only waiting till you die. Then she'll go to her lover. He's a man of life and limb.

"Drinking and all that sort of thing," Arthur replied. "It's considered ungentlemanly, nowadays drinking to excess, I mean." "What do you spend the money for?" "For good quarters and pictures, and patronizing the sports, and club dues, and entertainments, and things to drive in for living as a man should." "You've spent a thousand, three hundred dollars for tutoring since you've been there."

A woman, even more smartly dressed than the man, sat huddled up in a corner; she blessed Maciek in a tearful voice, but her husband did more, he poured out a large tumblerful of vodka and offered it to the labourer, drinking to his health first. Maciek apologized, as the ceremony demanded, then took a long pull, till the tears came into his eyes.

Just think: he had been trying to behave himself, and had got the better of the public-house for once, and come home fancying you'd be so pleased to see him; and you" "He'd been drinking," interrupted Eliza. "Only he said as how it was but a pot of beer he'd won in a wager from a mate of his."

Bert even mixed a cocktail when he and she dined alone now, and she knew that when he had had two or three, he would want something more, would eagerly ask her if she would like to "stir up something" for the evening how about a run over to the Ocean House, with the Fieldings? And wherever they went, there was more drinking. "Let's make a rule," she proposed one day.

Not a man nor maid in the house knew about it, but only himself, his wife, and one housekeeper: when he drank it he mixed twenty parts of water to one of wine, and yet the fragrance from the mixing-bowl was so exquisite that it was impossible to refrain from drinking.

Physically, he seemed tired; much dust of city streets clung to his commonly spotless boots; but his eyes were so extraordinarily brilliant that Queed at first wondered if he could have been drinking. However, this thought died almost as soon as it was born. The professor walked over to the window and stood looking out, hat on head. Presently he said: "You saw the grand parade, I suppose?

Carriages were out for a drive, or to meet friends on their way from Civita Vecchia; and on foot was many a little company of Romans, laughing and talking. At the osterías were groups seated under frasche, or before the door, drinking fogliette of wine and watching the passers-by.

It was as though the fire had been withdrawn from a molten metal which began instantly to harden. A woman next to Stonehouse tittered. "So vulgar and silly I don't know what people see in her." "I want to get away," Cosgrave said sharply. "It's this beastly closeness." He looked and walked as though he had been drinking.

By my figgins, godmother, I cannot as yet enter in the humour of being merry, nor drink so currently as I would. You have catched a cold, gammer? Yea, forsooth, sir. By the belly of Sanct Buff, let us talk of our drink: I never drink but at my hours, like the Pope's mule. And I never drink but in my breviary, like a fair father guardian. Which was first, thirst or drinking?

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