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By her present joy she measured her past not sorrow exactly; she could not call it that her past dreariness, and she said to herself with a little shock almost of fear, "How terribly dependent I am!" "Mamma mia!" cried Lucrezia, as another shout of laughter came up from the ravine, "how merry and mad they are! They have had a good night's fishing."

By degrees he accustomed her to longer intervals; and Lucilla relieved the dreariness of the time by the thousand little plans and surprises with which women delight in receiving the beloved wanderer after absence.

Her young body was conscious of an angry revolt against it, against the northern cold and dreariness; her body, which still kept as it were the physical memory of sun, and blue sea, and orange trees, of the shadow of olives on a thin grass, of the scent of orange blossom on the broken twigs that some one was putting into her hand.

We must learn to use the things of life very lightly and detachedly; and to entrench ourselves in trivial associations is simply to court dreariness and to fall into a stupor of the spirit. And thus even our old memories must be treated with the same lightness and unaffectedness. We must do all we can to forget grief and disaster.

"You will not, perhaps, deem the implicit trust reposed in you by one whom you have no interest to deceive, and who, if deceived, cannot be placed in a worse position than she at present fills, as a very gratifying mark of confidence, yet that trust is reposed in you; and let me, at least, soothe the galling dreariness of my solitary hours, by the recollection of the friends to whom I am indebted for a deed of friendship which has filled me with a feeling of wonder from which I have not yet recovered."

He paused on a corner and measured the dreariness; then he made out through the gathered dusk that he was in one of those tracts of London which are less gloomy by night than by day, because, in the former case of the civil gift of light. By day there was nothing, but by night there were lamps, and George Stransom was in a mood that made lamps good in themselves.

It hovered as on wings; pearly, fleecy, gleaming air streamed like raiment round it; light, tinted with carnation, coloured what seemed face and limbs; a large star shone with still lustre on an angel's forehead " But the angel ruins it. And this is all, and it leaves the dreariness more dreary.

To be tied hand and foot to a piece of hideous drudgery morning by morning, month by month, and with the consciousness too that, if health fails you, or if you lose your work, you will either starve or have to sponge on your friends never to be able to do what you like or go where you like to know that the world is full of beautiful places, delightful people, interesting ideas, books, talk, art, music to sicken for all these things, and not even to have the time or energy to get hold of such scraps of them as can be found cheap in London to feel time slipping away, and all your instincts for beautiful things unused and unsated to live a solitary, grubby, nasty life never able to entertain a friend, or to go a trip with a friend, or to do a kindness, or to help anyone generously and yet to feel that with an income which many people would regard as ridiculously inadequate, you could do most of these things the slavery, the bondage, the dreariness of it!"

Today, on the contrary, Schlangenbad is considered one of the mast beautifully situated baths in Germany; the "dreariness" and "desolation" we now call romantic and picturesque, and the fact that in this spot nothing grows but "grass and leaves" that is to say, that the fragrant meadow-land starts right before the door, and that the green boughs of the forest peep in everywhere at the windows this perhaps attracts as many guests at present as the efficacy of the mineral spring.

The two parts of the second section are a rapturous gaze into the beatific regions of a beyond, a vision of reunion of what for the time is severed. The last movement may be counted among the curiosities of composition a presto in B flat minor of seventy-five bars, an endless series of triplets from beginning to end in octaves. It calls up in one's mind the solitude and dreariness of a desert.