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Buckland, then Sir Philip Egerton and his brother, whom I had seen at Dr. B.'s lecture, though he is not an undergraduate. I was talking to him till dinner-time. While we were sitting over our wine after dinner, in came Dr. Daubeny, one of the most celebrated geologists of the day a curious little animal, looking through its spectacles with an air very distinguée and Mr.

She was listening to her companion's conversation, and did not notice Sigismund Taylor, with whom she was well acquainted. "Dear me, who are those, I wonder?" exclaimed Mrs. Marland. "She's very distinguée." "It's Miss Glyn," answered he. "What Miss Agatha, Glyn?" "Yes," he replied, wondering whether that little coincidence as to the 'Agatha' would suggest itself to anyone else.

Varvara disliked this M. Jules very much; but she received him because he wrote in several newspapers, and used to be constantly mentioning her, calling her sometimes Madame de L ... tski, sometimes Madame de *, cette grande dame Russe si distinguée, qui demeure rue de P , and describing to the whole world, that is to say to some few hundreds of subscribers, who had nothing whatever to do with Madame de L ... tski, how loveable and charming was that lady, une vraie française par l'esprit, the French have no higher praise than this, what an extraordinary musician she was, and how wonderfully she waltzed.

I could no longer be content with bourgeois receptions whence he rescued me, upon finding me distinguee, wealthy, young, beautiful and witty. There lies the evil, and it is irremediable. "In a word, for some cause, it is only since I cannot go to a certain salon that I want to go there. Nothing is more natural of the ways of a human heart. The ancients were wise in having their gyneceums.

"Cosa stupenda!" What might be admired as coquetry of dress in a young beauty of rank so great that even a vulgarity in her would be called distinguee, was certainly an audacious challenge of ridicule in the elderly ci-devant music-teacher.

She's a freak and no mistake! Stand back, Maude, and let me have a shot at her." "Why, I believe it's the adopted daughter!" Maude exclaimed. "Don't you remember. She was in the front row and we heard those people talking about her. I think she's distinguée myself. She looks like a Russian countess."

She was apparently very amiable, and certainly very distinguee in her manners, and we saw a great deal of her as she was a great favourite with Madame d'Albret.

He plays his part, therefore, artistically, with spirit, with originality, with all his native refinement. How can Mr. Sloane fail to believe that he possesses a paragon? He is no such fool as not to appreciate a nature distinguée when it comes in his way.

Missy was, as usual, very distinguee, and well, unobtrusively well, dressed. "You must be terribly tired," she said, after waiting until Nekhludoff had swallowed what was in his mouth. "Not particularly. And you? Have you been to look at the pictures?" he asked. "No, we put that off. We have been playing tennis at the Salamatoffs'. It is quite true, Mr. Crooks plays remarkably well."

"Aussitôt que cette médaille sera frappée, je m'empresserai de vous la faire parvenir. "En attendant je saisis avec bien du plaisir cette occasion pour vous renouveler, Monsieur, les assurances de ma considération très distinguée. "À MONSIEUR FLENIKEN, Chargé d'Affaires des Etats Unis d'Amérique." "Copenhagen, 6th October, 1848.