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By this time the doctor was on board, sniffing about with an air of the most intense disgust. "Faugh!" he ejaculated; "how horrible! And no disinfectants. Hallo! wounded man, eh? Humph!"

Barmby more graciously than usual; a small revenge for the treatment she had suffered at the hands of Miss. Morgan. 'I could point out a great number of such anomalies, pursued Samuel. 'But this matter of disinfectants is really one of the gravest. My father has written to The Times about it, and his letter will probably be inserted to-morrow.

He didn't want to go to the hospital, and the house at the Farm is good enough for anybody. Anyhow, you get away from the smell of disinfectants and the business of the hospital. It's a snigger little place is Brinkwort's Farm.

By this time his senses, too, were morbidly acute. The sight and smell of drugs, dressings, and disinfectants afflicted him with an agony of sensation. There was no escaping these things in the little flat, and he could not help associating his wife with them: it seemed as if a crowd of trivial and sordid images was blotting out the delicate moral impressions he had once had.

"What is it, my dear?" Big Bill asked, gently, for Polly was a very pretty girl. "Oh, my ear! It aches and stings and burns and smarts and " "That'll do for a beginning," Dr. Petticoat said, rolling up his sleeves and calling for basins of sterilized water and various antiseptics and disinfectants. "Can you do anything, Bill?" Warble asked anxiously, "it isn't ptomaines, you know."

This disease is an exception to the general rule that disinfectants which kill germs also kill the chicken. The explanation is that chicken-pox is an external disease. Gapes is given in every poultry book as one of the prominent poultry diseases, but are not common in the Northern and Western States. Gapes are caused by a parasitic worm in the windpipe. Growing chicks are affected.

The carcasses of the animals that die should be cremated at or near the place where they die. If hauled or dragged, the necessary precautions should be taken against scattering the infectious material from the carcass, and plenty of disinfectants used. Persons attending the animals should be warned against opening or handling the carcass without protecting the hands with rubber gloves.

As for my record, I am a doctor of the old school. Think of it! When I was a student at Bart.'s the antiseptic treatment was quite a new thing, and administered when at all, by help of a kind of engine on wheels, out of which disinfectants were dispensed with a pump, much as the advanced gardener sprays a greenhouse to-day.

There was an open cesspool within a stone's throw of the barracks, the stench from which, during the heat of the summer, may be better imagined than described. No disinfectants whatever were used, and at intervals of three days it was emptied by the crudest means imaginable, on which occasions the barracks were not only untenantable but absolutely unapproachable.

Diffusion of Gases. The power of gases to become intimately mingled. The osseous tissue between the tables of the skull. An insatiable desire for intoxicants. Disinfectants. Agents used to destroy the germs or particles of living matter that are believed to be the causes of infection. An injury to a joint in which the bones are displaced or forced out of their sockets.