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In another two minutes we were a group of four in the kitchen, staring vacantly. Death could not have startled us more, tapping thrice that quiet night on the window-pane. "It's diphtheria!" said Jess, her hands trembling as she buttoned her wrapper. She looked at me, and Leeby looked at me. "It's no, it's no," cried Leeby, and her voice was as a fist shaken at my face.

"You recall it, don't you," Amelia continued, "how you had diphtheria after Uncle John's death, and father had it next week." "Yes," said Raven, tasting the unchanged bitterness of an old misery. That had been one of the points where his life turned.

And now this awful business at Mainstairs! Bessie Dobbs, the girl of eighteen Lydia's friend who had been slowly dying since the diphtheria epidemic of the year before, was dead at last, after much suffering; and he did not expect to find the child of eight, her little sister, still alive.

He went away to boarding-school not long after this, taking with him the picture of his adored mother, the treasured epic of his dark, strong fathers, his narrow shoulders, his rare, blind bursts of passion, his newborn wonder, and his violin. At school they thought him a queer one. The destinies of men are unaccountable things. Five children in the village of Deer Bay came down with diphtheria.

The older man sighed. "I thought so," he went on. "Well, I didn't go to spend Christmas. I went because Jimmy brought me a telegram that Lida was sick with diphtheria. I sat up nights with her for 'leven days." "No bad after-effects, I hope?" inquired Thorpe. "She died," said Radway simply. The two men tramped stolidly on.

There had been a gap in the family after Tristram's appearance, caused by the death, from diphtheria, of two other boys; then came the two girls of twenty and nineteen respectively and, lastly, Cyril. His big, blue eyes rounded with astonishment and interest when he heard the important news. All he said was: "Well, she must be a corker, if Tristram thinks her good enough.

Subsequently the affair had to be discussed in all its aspects by Eve and Wade in the shade of the cedars. And then there was the anxious week when Zephania had a bad sore throat that looked for awhile like diphtheria, and Wade prepared his own breakfasts and lunches and dined alternately at The Cedars and with Doctor Crimmins.

You see, the Health Bureau has got it in for O'Farrell, and if they knew there was anything up there, they'd raise a regular row and queer things generally." "What is up?" "Honestly, I don't know." "Nor even suspect?" "Well, it might be scarlet fever. Or, perhaps diphtheria. You see strange types sometimes." "If it's either, failure to report is against the law." "Technically, yes.

The chief method of spread is through unrecognized mild cases of the disease, especially of the nasal form. For this reason boards of health now always insist upon smears being made from the throats and noses of every other child in the family or house where a case of diphtheria is recognized.

"Captain Baker," he said simply, "I must ask you and your wife to be brave. The child has diphtheria and " "Diphthery!" gasped Sophronia, as white as her best tablecloth. "Good Lord above!" cried the Captain. "Diphtheria," repeated the Doctor; "and, although I dislike extremely to criticize a member of my own profession, I must say that any physician should have recognized it."