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The scoundrel is laughing in his sleeve at us because we're taking him and his men at our expense to the treasure." "He's diddled us beautifully," I admitted with a sour grin. "I grant him one round. The man is dangerous as a wild beast that has escaped from its cage. But we're warned now. If he bests us it's our own fault." "It will be a finish fight, no surrender and no quarter."

"Wasted's the word!" said Brodie, with a blatant laugh. "Wasted's the word! They say he has verra little lying cash! And I shouldna be surprised at all. For, ye see, Gibson the builder diddled him owre the building o't." "Oh, I'se warrant Cunning Johnny would get the better of an ass like Gourlay. But how in particular, Mr. Brodie? Have ye heard ainy details?"

Dishart," Wearyworld whispered, "that the Egyptian diddled baith the captain and the shirra? It's my official opinion that she's no better than a roasted onion, the which, if you grip it firm, jumps out o' sicht, leaving its coat in your fingers. Mr. Dishart, you can pass."

Algernon, and from the look of the former, that changes were in the air, possibly chicanery, and the proclaiming of himself as neatly diddled by the pair whom, with another, he heartily hoped to dupe. After he had gone by, Edward and Rhoda changed looks. Both knew the destination of that lovely nosegay.

Gourlay, says he, 'there's not a thing in your house that a man in your poseetion can afford to be without, and ye needn't expect the best house in Barbie for an oald song! And Gourlay was pacified at once! It appeared frae their crack, however, that Gibson has diddled him tremendous.

One of the uniformed men at the Angel happened to tell me, as a joke, about a coffeestall keeper who had gone to him in a fury that morning about a chance customer, who, in his own words, had diddled him for a bob overnight. He showed the policeman a shilling he had taken from the man, and was under the impression that it was a bad one because it was marked with a cross.

Buz. See't! no, sir, would I had; but when she was in labour I heard her cry out "helpe! helpe!" & the Gamboll being ended she came in like a mad woman, ruffled & crumpled, her haire about her eares; & he all unbrac'd, sweating as if he had bene thrashing; & afterwards he told me, my lords, that he had downe diddled her. Hen.

"Ay, and I understood you to say that he should meet his match in you." "Did I ever say that, man? Well, well, we live and learn." "What has he been doing now?" "What has he been doing!" echoed Cathro. "He has been making me look foolish in my own class-room. Ogilvy, Mr. Ogilvy will be able to cap it with the story of how the little whelp diddled me.

"We couldna very weel. It's to be a three-cornered fight, an' Robert Duncan, brother to Tammas, has it sure." "'Twad be a good one on McCakeron," Neil mused. "To talk up Dunlop, who doesna care a cent for the eldership, an' then spring the Apoos-tate on him." "'Twould be bitter on 'Twenty-One," the cap'en added. He had been diddled by Sandy on a deal of seed-wheat.

"What now?" said the Guernsey-man, when the Captain had returned to them. "He says, Monsieur, that he's very happy to have been of any service to us." "He wants you to take a glass of wine with him," said the interpreter. "Thank him heartily; but tell him it's against my principles to drink with the man I've diddled. In fact, tell him I must go."