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But before he had moved on five paces, he returned, and putting his pistol into his girdle, gave Adolphe his left hand, and whispered to him: "No one shall ever hear of it, Adolphe," said he, "and I will forget it. Think of your Saviour in such moments, Adolphe, and your heart will not fail you again." The tears came into Denot's eyes as de Lescure left him.

He had marched his army up to Laval early on the morning of the fight; and his best men, the redoubtable Mayencais, indignant at the treatment which a few of their brethren had received from Denot's followers on the previous day, marched boldly into the town, conceiving that they had only to show themselves to take possession of it. The result has been told.

Henri advanced up to the bed on tiptoe, and gazed into Denot's face; he had been shocked before, but he now thought that never in his life had he seen so sad a sight: the colour of his skin was no longer pale, but livid; his thin, dry lips were partially open, and his teeth, close set together, were distinctly visible; his eyes were at the moment closed, as though he were in a stupor, and his long black matted hair hung back over the folded cloak on which his head rested: his sallow, bony hands lay by his side, firmly clenched, as though he had been struggling, and his neck and breast, which had been opened for the inspection of the surgeon, was merely covered with a ragged bloody towel.

"He is greatly changed look look at him now; well done, Adolphe well done: there, there; he's down! Poor fellow, I fear he has struck his last blow: gallant Henri, brave Henri there, they are up again together; but Denot's face is covered with blood. He still has his sword, however well done, Denot: bravely done Denot: no man of those living or dead, ever struck a better blow than that."

"I would not tell you all he said, for on the eve of a battle in which you were to fight side by side, I did not wish to make you angry with your friend and companion: but had a raging madman, just escaped from his keepers, come to offer me his hand, his conduct could not have been worse than Adolphe Denot's." "Was he violent with you, Agatha?"

Denot's irregular spirit had been cowed by de Lescure's cold reasoning propriety, and he now felt it impossible to submit himself to the pardon of a man who, he thought, would forgive and abhor him. It was to no purpose Henri threatened, implored, and almost strove to drag him from the room.

"He shall die; he is not fit to live. When the traitor is hung, we will do anything, go anywhere, for Mademoiselle." "Ah! friends," said she, "the favour I would ask of you is to spare the life of this miserable young man. Hear me, at any rate," she continued, for there was a murmur among the more resolute of Denot's enemies. "You will not refuse to hear what I say to you.

We must not forget Charette." The last words were spoken out loud, and though they were eagerly responded to by every one else, they fell with a heavy sound on Adolphe Denot's ear.

Tell them also, that if they choose to forget their duty, their obedience, and their oaths, and attempt to seize Denot's person, neither I nor M. Henri will ever again accompany them to battle, and that they shall not lay a hand upon him till they have passed over our bodies. Do you understand?"

At length Henri found leisure to tell them all the sad, but still pleasing story of Denot's conduct and fate of the gallantry by which he had redeemed so many sins, and of the death by which he had set a seal to the forgiveness of them all.