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Do you know, I think there's something very beautiful about the Roman Catholic religion? I've often felt I might have been happier if I'd had some religious influence in my life." She sighed a little, and turned her head away. She flattered herself that she had learned to strike the right note with Van Degen.

"And by God, I will!" Ralph thundered. Anger was the only emotion in him now. He had been fooled, cheated, made a mock of; but the score was not settled yet. He turned back and stood before Mr. Spragg. "I suppose she's gone with Van Degen?" "My daughter's gone alone, sir. I saw her off at the station. I understood she was to join a lady friend."

Only I think she'd have introduced him if he had been." His cousin faintly shrugged. "Shall you encourage that?" Peter Van Degen, who had strayed into his wife's box for a moment, caught the colloquy, and lifted his opera-glass. "The fellow next to Miss Spragg? Saw him in old Harmon Driscoll's office the day of the Eubaw Mine meeting. This chap's his secretary, or something.

The worst of it was that he could never tell when these hot gusts of anguish would overtake him. They came sometimes just when he felt most secure, when he was saying to himself: "After all, things are really worth while " sometimes even when he was sitting with Clare Van Degen, listening to her voice, watching her hands, and turning over in his mind the opening chapters of his book.

"Who's the funny man with the red face talking to Miss Spragg?" Ralph bent forward. "The man next to her? Never saw him before. But I think you're mistaken: she's not speaking to him." "She WAS Wasn't she, Harriet?" Miss Ray pinched her lips together without speaking, and Mrs. Van Degen paused for the fraction of a second. "Perhaps he's an Apex friend," she then suggested. "Very likely.

Van Degen echoed the request, and Bowen, amused by Undine's arts, was presently introducing Chelles, and joining with him in the party's transit to the terrace. The rain had ceased, and under the clear evening sky the restaurant garden opened green depths that skilfully hid its narrow boundaries.

If Van Degen had been at hand Undine would have smiled with him at poor Mabel's infatuation and her suitor's crudeness. But Van Degen was not there. He made no sign, he sent no excuse; he simply continued to absent himself; and it was Undine who, in due course, had to make way for Mrs.

A ray of the same light fell on her where she stood in the unlit sitting-room, and her reflection bloomed out like a flower from the mirror that faced her. She looked at the image and waited. Van Degen put his hat on his head and slowly opened the door into the outer hall. Then he turned abruptly, his bulk eclipsing her reflection as he plunged back into the room and came up to her.

"Hallo, Ralph, old man did you run across our auburn beauty of the Stentorian? Who'd have thought old Harry Lipscomb'd have put us onto anything as good as that? Peter Van Degen was fairly taken off his feet pulled me out of Mrs. Monty Thurber's box and dragged me 'round by the collar to introduce him. Planning a dinner at Martin's already.

Anonymous approval was sweet enough; but she was to taste a moment more exquisite when, in the proscenium box across the house, she saw Clare Van Degen seated beside the prim figure of Miss Harriet Ray. "They're here to see me with him they hate it, but they couldn't keep away!" She turned and lifted a smile of possessorship to Ralph. Mrs.