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My defiant look, my bold words, my intrepid countenance, kept them at a respectful distance from me. Suddenly the dreaded Bufferio entered the cellar. He had no sooner learned from his comrades how fortune had favored me than he challenged me to play with him. It was just what I wanted. I don't know how it happened, but I lost every game.

But now the pack began to rouse up and show its rage under the calm, careless, defiant contempt with which it was being treated.

Had you been in my place you would have had your curiosity and suspicion aroused to no mean degree not only by the words uttered by the woman and Sir Bernard's defiant reply, but also by the fact that the female voice sounded familiar. A man knows the voice of his love above all. The voice that I had heard in that adjoining room was, to the best of my belief, that of Ethelwynn.

Marsworth retreated, and Hester, who had seen the little incident, whispered indignantly in her cousin's ear 'Cicely! you are a wicked little wretch! But Cicely only laughed, and her feather made defiant nods and flourishes all the way downstairs.

In the middle of the night, after we had brought in our second enlistment of patriots, we were feeding them and I was giving them instruction. At the entrance, I had posted a sentry; none of us believed that any one had seen us take refuge in that crypt. Indeed, we were all frank in our congratulations and defiant in our security.

But not mortally, for even with outline altered, it remained; defiant, certain, inexorable. The air was filled with small green particles whirling and floating downward. Feathery, yet clumsy, they refused to obey gravity and seek the earth urgently, but instead shifted and changed direction, coyly spiraling upward and sideways before yielding to the inevitable attraction.

The populace, awed by the armies thus called out, were at first silently defiant, an attitude which changed to open fury when the defeat of the French troops in the Austrian Netherlands was announced.

But those extremely personal notices ran not alone to love. Mystery, too, was present, especially in the aquatic utterance: DEFIANT MERMAID: Not mine. Alligators bitingu now. 'Tis well; delighted. And the rather sanguinary suggestion: DE Box: First round; tooth gone. Finale. You will FORGET ME NOT. At this point West's strawberries arrived and even the Agony Column could not hold his interest.

Dick used his own glasses, and he looked long, and with the most intense curiosity, mingled with admiration, at the Lion of the South, whom they were about to bring to the ground. The sun was just setting, and Lee was defined sharply against the red blaze. Dick saw his features, his gray hair, and he could imagine the defiant blaze of his eyes.

You'd have had to set to and eat it yourself.... Or get somebody else to help you." She meant "another girl," but she did not know she meant that until the words were spoken. Her own meaning stabbed her heart. That icy knowledge that Keith was sure of her was bitterest of all. It made her happiness defiant rather than secure. He was the only man for her.