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You professed yesterday not to know this man, and I was obliged to find him out for myself. I should like to know by what law of honor I am bound to give him up to you?" It was charmin to hear this pair of raskles talkin about HONOR. I declare I could have found it in my heart to warn young Dawkins of the precious way in which these chaps were going to serve him.

The very day after my master had made the inquiries concerning Mr. Dawkins, witch I mentioned already, he met Mr. Blewitt on the stairs; and byoutiffle it was to see how this gnlmn, who had before been almost cut by my master, was now received by him. One of the sweetest smiles I ever saw was now vizzable on Mr. Deuceace's countenance.

How you could have incurred such a debt to him you best know." Dawkins maintained a sullen silence. "I suppose you wish me to leave your employment," he said at length. "You are right. Hold," he added, as Dawkins was about leaving the room, "a word more. It is only just that you should make a restitution of the sum which you have taken.

Produce them, and I may overlook this first offense." "Indeed, sir," said Paul, in great distress, "I have not the slightest knowledge of how this bill came into my pocket. I hope you will believe me, sir." "How can I? The money evidently did not go into your pocket without hands." A sudden thought came to Paul. "Dawkins," said he, "did you put that money into my pocket?"

"After seeing this it is impossible for any one with a spark of imagination to leave Egypt without going farther a-field." Mr. Damer merely wiped his brow and grunted. This Miss Dawkins took as a signal of weakness, and went on with her task perseveringly. "For myself, I have resolved to go up, at any rate, as far as Asouan and the first cataract.

Ingram; "I must say she plays her game well; but then she is an old soldier, and has the benefit of experience." What would Miss Dawkins have said had she known that Mr. Ingram called her an old soldier? "I don't like the kind of thing at all," said Mr. Damer, who was very serious upon the subject. "You see the position in which I am placed. I am forced to be very rude, or "

At thirteen miles, being again in a wood, we heard the native axe at work, and, naturally eager to communicate with or even see the faces of fellow-creatures in these dismal solitudes, I allowed Dawkins to go towards them unarmed, that he might, at least by signs, ascertain where water was to be found.

I say, Dawkins, let him have a pull at your flask. The brandy rallied me a little, and I felt that it cheered my drooping courage. "'This is not a time nor is it a place for much parley, said the admiral, 'so that we must even make short work of it.

In the latter days of December, Colenbrander and Dawkins operating together had put in a great deal of useful work in the northern district, and from Nylstrom to Pietersburg the burghers were continually harried by the activity of these leaders. Late in the month Dawkins was sent down into the Orange River Colony in order to reinforce the troops who were opposed to De Wet.

I thought, to be sure, after hearing the complymints between Blewitt and master in the morning, that now poor Dawkins's time was come. Not so: Dawkins won always, Mr. B. betting on his play, and giving him the very best of advice. Master was counting up the skore on a card. "Blewitt," says he, "I've been unlucky. I owe you, let me see yes, five-and-forty pounds?"