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Mary Grahame spoke with generous enthusiasm, yet with a modest gentleness which made Horace Danforth desire to continue the argument. "Admitting all this," he said, "it does not answer my question, which was, whether you did not prefer that state of society in which you were able to avail yourself of the services of such a class?"

Danforth," said Paul, manfully, though the tears almost choked his utterance, "I am sorry that you have no better opinion of me. I do not want the balance of my wages. If I have taken so large a sum which did not belong to me, I have no claim to them. Good-morning, sir. Sometime I hope you will think better of me."

Two weeks after her arrival Miss Hughes wrote Dr. Danforth that "our little doctor" was accompanying her to several of the meetings which she was addressing, and was "making friends right and left for her work." Boxes of instruments, pillows, and spreads for the hospital beds, a baby organ for the hospital, the support of a nurse, and other useful things were being promised by these new friends.

The Court, however, was allowed to sit, in other cases, as it held a trial in Boston, on the tenth, in a capital case of the ordinary kind. The purpose of the Governor gradually became known. Danforth, in a conversation with Sewall, at Cambridge, on the fifteenth, expressed the opinion that the witchcraft trials ought not to proceed any further.

Ida Kahn, had won the respect and friendship of both faculty and students by their thorough work, Dr. Stone went to Chicago for the summer, in order to attend the clinical work in the hospitals there. It was at this time that she met Dr. I. N. Danforth of that city, who was ever afterward her staunch friend. He was about to leave for Europe, but found time before his departure to introduce Dr.

"But why did you leave so suddenly, and why did the officer come for you the next day?" asked the lighthouse keeper. "It looked bad, Nate." "I suppose it did," said Mr. Duncan, slowly. "But it can easily be explained. I was mixed up with those wreckers " "Father!" cried Joe. "But not the way you think, son," went on the former lighthouse worker quickly. "Hemp Danforth and I had a quarrel.

It was a name of little note, but there was one to whom it was the synonyme of all that gave beauty or gladness to life; and ere the bells had ceased to sound, or the eager crowd to huzza, her heart was still. With her last quivering sigh had mingled the wail of a new-born infant. Thus was Horace Maitland Danforth ushered into life.

Hadley recorded view after view of the exciting scene. Fortune played into the hands of our friends in two ways as they sought to capture the wreckers. Otherwise the desperate men might have gotten away, so quickly did they dash out of the clearing at the first alarm. But, as he ran along, big Hemp Danforth, the leader of the criminals, stumbled and fell.

At an early hour in the evening, he paused before an imposing residence on Fifth Avenue, which he had seen but not entered the day previous. He mounted the steps and pulled the bell. A smart-looking man-servant answered his ring. "Is Mrs. Danforth at home?" asked Paul. "Yes, I believe so." "I have called to see her." "Does she expect you?" asked the servant, looking surprised.

The demands upon the physician in entire charge of the large Danforth Memorial Hospital are indeed many and varied, but Dr. Stone has proved equal to them all. She is a good general practitioner. Probably the best proof of this is the number of patients who throng the hospital gates.