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Lily Danforth, with two girl friends from the other side of the county, was sitting near her. The men moved about helping everybody, supplying their own needs in a rambling fashion. It was altogether a gay, informal kind of affair. "I suppose it must be true," one of the girls said. "It was Henry who told us the news. He said that her horses bolted, and Mr.

However, the Armour family constituted a little community of its own, and was never induced to abandon family life for the group. Yet, for John Humphrey Noyes, Danforth Armour always had great respect. But he was philosopher enough to know that one generation would wind up the scheme, for the young would all desert, secrete millinery, and mate as men and young maidens have done since time began.

His proposals were received with unanimous approval, and on the 15th of January, 1826, the following fifteen were chosen: S.F.B. Morse, Henry Inman, A.B. Durand, John Frazee, William Wall, Charles C. Ingham, William Dunlap, Peter Maverick, Ithiel Town, Thomas S. Cummings, Edward Potter, Charles C. Wright, Mosely J. Danforth, Hugh Reinagle, Gerlando Marsiglia.

Jasper held out his hand full of papers. "These were to come in between when they could, sir." "Hem hem" Mr. Marlowe read them over with a practiced eye; rolled them up, and handed the roll to Jasper. "Tell Parker to set Danforth on those. Anything more?" "I was to go to-morrow if there was time to get prices for best calendered paper of Patterson & Co. and Withers; but the next day will do."

"Maybe," assented the man who had started to make the search. "But I thought some one was spying on us, and if they were " He did not finish, but glared angrily around. He was so close to the boys that they could hear his rapid breathing, but the leafy screen effectively hid them from view. "If I catch any one," he went on, "he'll wish he never ran across Hemp Danforth!" and he shook a big fist.

It descended to Danforth Armour, and by him was passed along to Philip Danforth Armour. All of these men had a very sturdy pride of ancestry, masked by modesty, which oft reiterated: "Oh, pedigree is nothing it all lies in the man. You do or else you don't. To your quilting, girls to your quilting!" When Nancy Brooks was beloved by Danforth Armour the Fates were propitious.

The Governor could write thus of his political friends of the Council, several of whom, six years later, when the attempt was made to change the Constitution, were thought to have spirit enough to receive appointments from the Crown, such, for instance, as Danforth, Russell, Royal, and Gray, and hence were called Mandamus Councillors.

"On Saturday afternoon the 7th instant, some foreign residents of Kiukiang, the members of the Methodist Central China Mission, and many native friends gathered together at the formal opening of the Elizabeth Skelton Danforth Memorial Hospital, of which two ladies, Drs. Stone and Kahn, are the physicians in charge.

"Here they are!" yelled Hemp, as he ran after them, tearing through the underbrush. "I knew we were being spied on! Come along, men!" he yelled. Blake and Joe looked back as they got to the path that led along the cliff, below which was the rolling ocean. They had a glimpse of the big man racing after them, several others in his wake. "Stop!" commanded Hemp Danforth. "Hold on, you spies!"

Paul reflected a moment and finally named a schoolmate of his, the son of poor parents, whom he knew to be anxiously seeking a situation, but without influential friends to help him. "I will take him on your recommendation," said Mr. Danforth, promptly. "Can you see him this afternoon?" "Yes, sir," said Paul. The next day Paul resumed his place in Mr. Danforth's counting-room.