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But on the way, he had discovered that loss of the dagger-sheath, an unforeseen fatality that had turned him back, and brought him to where he now stood meditating. How long did the driver of that fiacre he hired, take to bring him to the wayside inn on the road to Frascati? This he could not determine, but to his uncertain memory it seemed to have been an unusually tedious and tiresome journey.

Why had he not thought of his intellectual gifts, his position in the world of art, before? No one in their senses could possibly accuse him in the way he had imagined! and even if the dagger-sheath were found, some explanation might be given, someone else might be found guilty . . . "Quando coeli movendi sunt et terra; Dum veneris judicare saeculum per ignem!" Again that horrible bell!

Thereupon, he unbound his prisoner, and the fellow slowly rose to his feet. He shook himself and looked all about him in a heavy, bewildered fashion, as though he had just awakened from a dream. His right hand slid furtively down to his side, but the dagger-sheath was empty. "Come, brother!" said Hans, impatiently, "time is passing, and once lost can never be found again.

Was she not? Surely she must be he had driven the dagger straight home! "She could not possibly live," he muttered "Not after such a well directed blow. And that amazing picture! If I could but claim it as my work, I should be the greatest artist in the world! It would be quite easy to make out a proof only that cursed dagger-sheath is in the way!"

"Eccellenza, he has gone to Naples!" "When did he leave?" "But two hours ago, Eccellenza!" Prince Pietro held up the dagger-sheath he had just found. "This belongs to him does it not?" he asked slowly, detaching his words with careful directness. The man answered readily and at once. "Yes, Eccellenza!" Sovrani uttered a terrible oath. "Let me pass!" The servant made a gesture of protest.

I leave the message with you, tell him that when the world clamours for vengeance upon her murderer, I KNOW WHERE TO FIND HIM!" With that, he put the dagger-sheath back in his breastpocket with jealous care, and left her where she crouched, shivering and moaning.

Is she Cuban, Creole, French, Andalusian, Italian, or a wandering gypsy star? A jewelled dagger-sheath in her corsage speaks of Spain or Italy. Maxime notes the unaccustomed eagerness with which Hardin recklessly plays. He seems determined to attract the especial attention of the divinity of the hour. Hardin's color is unusual. His features are sternly set.

And I doubt whether the Pope will judge it politic, or a part of national diplomacy, to support you then!" For a moment Gherardi was baffled. His dark brows met in a frown of menace and his lips tightened with his repressed fury. Then, still managing to speak with the utmost composure, he said, "You will permit me to look at this dagger-sheath this proof on which you place so much reliance?"

If the dagger-sheath were found and taken to his residence, it would be recognised instantly! And all Rome would rise against Angela Sovrani's murderer. Murderer! Yes, that was what he had chosen to make of himself! "It was all an impulse," he muttered, "Just a hot impulse, nothing more! Just a sudden hatred of her which made me stab her!

"Murder!" she whispered "Dio mio! Dio mio!" "Yes murder!" and the Prince thrust before her wide-opened eyes the dagger-sheath he held "What! Have you not heard? Not yet? Not though the whole city rings with the news? What news? That Angela Sovrani is dead!